Greetings - 1

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"Calm it, Minnie, I won't bump into her. And anyway, it's not like she'll still have a grudge against me after I, well-" You begin, trailing off and trying to find the right words. Minnie, your friend, cocks her head to one side and smiles. "Well, y'know.." You manage to mumble, turning around fully to signal to Minnie tuat she has your full attention. She gives you an awkward smile and starts babbling about something. A student interrupts.

"Who's that over there?" The kid asks. Talk about manners. Minnie says goodbye to you while you look to where the kid is pointing, confused.

"Sorry, kid, but there isn't anyone over there?" You say but the student had already wandered away. You sigh and begin walking away, only to be greeted by someone's chest.

"Eyes up here, child." A woman says- a voice you know far too well. Your cheeks flush a subtle red as she uses her cane to lift your head until she can see directly into your eyes. Damned height differences. Realising who you are, she adds a few words on. "Not a child, worse than that. You." She groans.

"Wow, thanks. What do I even call you now?? Lady?? Red? Leonora? Lady Lesso, still?" You jump to questions in an attempt to delay bringing up too much about the two of your pasts with each other whilst taking in her appearance, and, damn. She'd changed. Slightly.

Her hair was no longer kept in a contained shape, it now dropped to just below her shoulder blades, wild and free. Her makeup was similar, her eyes looked less severe, though. She still wore that tailcoat thing that you could never remember the name of. She looked as if she'd lost a few, and, you figured, her build had changed slightly. Whereas before she tended to look quite straight up and severe, she had relaxed. Her shoulders weren't a perfect straight line, she wasn't stood perfectly straight.

"Calm it with the questions-" She paused and you could already tell she'd read half the things you'd just thought, "and thoughts, and, for crying out loud, quit studying me, Quinn." You roll your eyes at the old nickname which she used to use to get on your nerves back in your student times. She thought it was funny, you didn't. "Leonora is good enough, I suppose. Now. I knew I was to be seeing you at some point in the year, didn't realise that it would be so soon." She mumbles and your fake smile drops.

"You didn't want to see me? Yay! I can happily go! I'll just take another painfully long flight back to my warm, cosy home and just completely forget that you are near insulting me even though we are in a school and should be being professional." You say sarcastically, looking into her piercing green eyes just in time to see her roll them. God knows how many times she does that in a singular day.

"Well, you're sharper this year." Is all she manages, peering down at you awkwardly, taken back by your sudden outburst. "New topic! You need to come by my office this evening. Nine, be there. Same place as it used to be." And off she goes.

You watch, confused, as she glides away, cane in hand, wild red curls flailing in the little breeze.

Well, that's one way to avoid talking about past issues. Something about her always made you feel sick, you weren't entirely sure if that was a good or bad thing. After staring after her for what felt like an age, you look down at your watch and figure that it's time to go sort out lesson plans.

Some time passes by, and soon enough, it's time to go to dinner. Yaaaay.

You sit down next to Minnie who smiles at you and scoots her chair further, closer to yours. "Took your sweet time." She mumbles in a joking manner, you give her a judgemental look. "Chill!! I was joking!!' She blurts and you begin laughing.

You finish eating and spark a convo with Minnie, the two of you needed to catch up. She rambled on about men, you rambled about women. Platonic couple goals, to be honest. She started talking about actors, you started talking about actresses. See the pattern? Yeah, so did half of the teachers in earshot.

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