All, too not fine

Start from the beginning

"Avi please.", it seemed as though I was repetitively pleading with her, but that's the only thing I felt I had in my hands now, pleading with her and apologizing to her. Nothing of that would be enough, but that's the only thing under my control now.

"Let's continue being Aaru's co-parents. Our baby deserves that stability.", she stated firmly and whisking her hand out of my hold, she sauntered away.

I stared at her diminishing self - was that the final verdict she had on walking out of my life? Yes, I know, she would not leave this home, or I would not leave this home, all of that for Aaru, but then again what about us? Had I destroyed us so bad that there was no point of return now, that there was no hope now?

That night, as a fast asleep Aaru was lying between us, we stared at each other. Perhaps, our eyes were mirroring each other - but hers held more anguish while mine shone with betrayal.

We had both been betrayed by the ones we loved - I was betrayed by Kinjal and my Avi was betrayed by me. However, as the time passed her feeling of betrayal turned into a deep felt anguish while I still had to go through all of that torment gradually. At least I was not mercilessly accused as she had been. At least I was not isolated as she had been. We continued staring at each other - to search for answers, to seek solace, to just see each other - I do not know, but the pain - it knew no means of vanishing and despite of staying still, our thoughts made us writhe.

In the morning when we were getting the breakfast ready for Aaru, it was quite slow and solemn - slow because we had planned for a day off, the both of us and solemn due to all the obvious reasons.

The door bell rang. I stared at Avi for a moment, before she wiped her hands and went away to open the door.

Avantika's POV

"Dev, how are you? Come in.", I ushered him in the living room.

"Why didn't you tell me Avanti? Why didn't you share it with me? Bhai manti ho na mujhe.", he was visibly distraught and that was quite understandable.

(Bhai manti ho na mujhe - you consider me to be your brother right?)

"Dev, know everything?"

As far as I knew, Abhiram must have shared the happening prior to yesterday with him, but Dev's tone suggested that he knew much more than that.

"Hmm, the first half was narrated by that gadhedaa (donkey) you have for a husband and yesterday uncle had called me to discuss a few things. Amidst the discussion, Kinjal's topic came up and he had a literal outburst on the phone. I then got to know what all she did.", he said in a solemn tone.

I wonder how many people were actually disrupted by the turn of events in these past few months. That Dev who I had always seen with a smile, a contagious enthusiasm in his persona, a literal sunshine, now stood before me as though all of his glee has been clouded.

"Why didn't you share your pain with me Avanti?", he had a pained expression on his face and I could feel myself tearing up.

"What should I have told you Dev? That my own husband didn't want to believe me or that he didn't even want to listen to me at least once?", I could feel my throat constricting with all the emotions.

"Come here Avanti.", he took me within his embrace and I could once again feel the dam of my emotions bursting.

Had I become too emotional, too much of a crybaby - I did not care, but Dev, my brother here seemed to take some of the pain away by just holding me in his near fatherly embrace. I miss my mom and dad, so much. I wish they could return home soon.

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