Chapter six

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I left the room after we talked for a bit.

He really isn't that bad as i thought...
Ok he killed multiple people, but still.

I'm currently sitting in my room, questioning all my life decisions, when someone knocked on my door... Fucking again?

I didn't really want to open it, but i did it anyways.

It wasn't as expected. I thought it would be Mikey, but it was Sanzu.

,,Here take this"

He gave me a shirt that was probably way to big for me.

,,Thank you.. but why?"

He sighed, then grinned at me.

,,Do you think i didn't notice Mikey's cum sticking to your shirt?"

Ok, now that was really embarrassing.

After he left, i tried it on and it smelled like him. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

As i expected it was way to big, but it's still better than my other shirt that was covered in Mikey's cum.

I layed back down on my bed and sighed...

Sanzu POV

After I gave Y/N one of my shirts, I made my way back to my room as I met Mikey in the way.

He seemed Childish and happy, it reminded me of the old times, but now, he seemed most of the time bored or even depressed.

I kept reminding myself that he just raped Y/N, but what can I possibly do?


I can do nothing against him.

Why even would I? Y/N is someone I just got to know and isn't really important to me.

I do kinda feel bad for her, but that's definitely not an excuse to not be loyal to Mikey anymore.

Y/N is a good girl (in a non sexual way)
and I do understand why Mikey got interested to her.

She wasn't too scared of what I did and she had respect for him.

But instead of letting her leave and life her life as always, he choose to make her his toy.

I knew it from the second he looked at her.


,,Did you rape her...?"

I actually got the balls to ask him that but he didn't seemed surprised about that kind of question.

He turned around to face me as he smirked with a slight grin at me.

At this moment I didn't know what I should've expected.

,,You can decide if it was rape or not, I don't care."

Somehow this awnser really pissed me of, but do I can say something against it? Probably not.

Mikey seemed like he didn't gave a fuck about how Y/N was doing, but what did I expect?

,,By the way... Sanzu... Do you like Y/N...?"

I was... kinda surprised...

I wouldn't say that I love her... But I somehow wouldn't want to see her suffer.

Most of the time, I wouldn't care, but this time, I feel like it's my fault.

If I would've been a little more careful with killing, she would've never met me and Mikey.

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