"Our class will be smaller then," Khaotung said.

"He hates all his classmates," Neo retorted pointing at Khaotung's face which was immediately met with a hard slap from the owner of the face on his hand.

The school parking lot was also one of the places where they chatted uselessly like this.
Neo belonged to First's gang while Louis was Neo's friend but sometimes refused to admit it if he met new friends, too embarrassing he said and Khaotung also often did it to First but First always proudly showed off if Khaotung was his best friend.

"What was his name just now? Mad? Mac?" First asked confused, the field was too noisy and Louis had a small voice.

"Marc," said Neo in his British accent.

"Louis said he'd fit into our gang, First."

Neo had already devised a plan to get Louis' one-time friend into their gang.
Khaotung didn't even want to prevent it, looking so eager to make someone useless, Khaotung didn't have the heart to ruin Neo's plan.

"Where did you go first?"

Neo had already left, now only First and Khaotung were still in the school parking lot.

"The bookstore, I need some new books," Khaotung replied.

First got his motorcycle from his mother, so he was used to riding Khaotung to and from school like this.
The motorbike was like a shared possession, Khaotung, who couldn't use it yet, often called First to take him to various places.

There was a moment when First left Khaotung at school because he came home late to do his last lesson, but when he returned his mother immediately told First to return to school and wait for Khaotung.
Their friendship had reached a stage where First's mother loved Khaotung more than him.

"Don't be long," First ordered, the two had just arrived at the bookstore.

"Where are you going?" Khaotung asked as he took off his helmet.

"Nowhere, just going to bed."

Khaotung just chuckled, he would spend a lot of time choosing books. If First wanted to go first he could, at most he was told to come back here by his mother to wait for Khaotung.
First was really annoyed with Khaotung's attitude, he really treated First like his personal driver.

"Oh man, careful."

A teenager in a different uniform from First suddenly dropped some new books from his hand.
First got off his motorcycle and helped the teenage boy to collect the books.

"Why aren't they in plastic?" First asked confused, this many books but not put in plastic or anything like that.


"Let me ask the cashier," said First then stood up and entered the bookstore.

"Why, I just chose," Khaotung said, thinking First had come in to reprimand him.

"Do as you please, shorty." First walked back out of the bookstore after getting a black plastic bag from the cashier.

Khaotung then walked to the glass wall and watched First helping the teenager put the books into the plastic.
The teenager had also met Khaotung at the cashier, it was strange why he didn't want to be given the plastic when the cashier was ready to put the books into the plastic.
First and Khaotung had reached the street of their house, but because there was a guest car at First's house he chose to park his motorcycle in the parking lot of Khaotung's house.
First even went inside Khaotung's house, he was lazy when told to greet guests by his mother.
Typical teenage boy indeed.

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