Chapter 1: Working & Information

Start from the beginning

I try to keep my features schooled into a pleasant one, despite the direction of my thoughts, though it's not long before a potential target comes in.

A tall man, about six four, walks into the large space, sliding off his coat to offer to one of the door girls.

After checking the back of my neck to make sure my Dagaz rune is still there, I make my way across the room moving softly and slowly, moving in time with the soft pulsing music until I'm only a few feet away. As he turns around, going to fix the bottom of his shirt, he lifts it to reveal a Vilin Officer badge. Bingo.

Knowing he's someone of interest and worth my time, I note he's a Warlock-Vampire Hybrid, one of the rarer couplings.

He turns fully and begins scanning the room, stepping down into the lowered space before he 'accidentally' crashes into me. The black man is handsome and his hands are strong and secure as they grab into my arms to steady me. I pretend to sway bit before grabbing his arms back, squeezing softly as I fall against the big guy's chest.

Already I can hear the thundering of his heart, smell the delicious scent of need and desire wafting off of him, calling to me as I meet his pale blue eyes.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry about that." He apologies, going to step away.

"I'm not." I say shyly, looking at him through my lashes to make him feel taller. "It's not every night someone like you walks in here handsome." I purr, my tail coming up to lightly touch his face, his gaze flickering between me and my cat features, his arousal deepening with every breath of pheromones that release from my skin in reaction to his lust. It's a delicious cycle that leaves both parties satisfied and royally fucked at the end. Sounds like a win win to me.

The Hybrid is a slave to my words, following me towards the bar as I shyly lead us towards the bar.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous." I tell him, willing myself to blush as I touch his shoulder lightly, drawing him in. The Hybrid hurriedly waves Thomas' over barely breaking eye contact with me, his eyes hooded and focused on my lips. Exactly where I want him. "Will you share a drink with me? Talk a little before we go to my room?" I ask him and he nods.

I can tell the Hybrid is still young, probably not even one hundred yet if he's still hitting brothels, his snow white hair a guarantee that he will one day meet his Soulmate, or as we Incubi like to call it, our Link.

Though for sex Daemons, there's only a twelve or so percent chance that you have a Link. It's rare for Nightlies in general but no one has a lower Soulmate rate than sex Daemons, though Hybrids like myself have a better chance. Not that I have any problems with that. Even though I grew up hearing the same mumbo jumbo everyone else has heard, I was never quite sold on the idea that some Goddess of all decided for me who was best suited for me and the life I decided to live. Am I supposed to accept that my life has been thought out, planned and executed to a tee based on someone else's will or predicament? Am I suppose to accept that there's no point in life because it's all decided anyway.

I've seen what happens when people accept the will of others onto their lives.

And that is not what I want for myself.

Even if that means I'll spend the rest of my days here at Blessed Night, still taking care of things once Chan and Thomas have passed. Even that sounds more fulfilling than a random arranged blind marriage set up by someone I'm not convinced is real.

Though many wouldn't agree.

I've been told several times by many people that I'm just a pessimist with a bad outlook on life, but I would like to believe I'm just a heart broken realist that decided to stop fighting the world on what it was trying to show me.

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