Chapter 28

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In the late evening, Claire nervously made her way to the professor's office. She couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension.

As she knocked on the door, the professor's voice called out, "Come in."

Claire entered the office to find the professor sitting at her desk, a warm smile on her face. The familiar aroma of tea filled the air, and Claire couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over her.

"Please, have a seat," the professor said, gesturing to the chair across from her.

Claire settled into the seat, and the professor reached for a teapot and two cups on a nearby table. She poured the tea, and the sound of the liquid gently filling the cups was a soothing melody.

"I thought we could have some tea," the professor said, pushing one of the cups toward Claire. "Just like we did in the UK." Claire almost choked from the woman's words but it went unnoticed.

"I wanted to apologize," the professor said, her voice gentle. "For how things turned out after the trip. I know I was distant, and I'm sorry for that."

Claire appreciated the professor's honesty. "It's okay," she replied. "I understand that things got complicated."

The professor nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Yes, they did," she admitted. "But I also want you to know that I value what we had. It was a meaningful and a significant experience for me, and I cherish the connection we share."

Claire looked into the professor's eyes. "I value it too," she said softly.

"I'm glad to hear that," the professor replied, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "And I want you to know that I'm here for you, both as your professor and as someone who cares about you."

Claire felt her heart swell with gratitude. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "I appreciate that."

They spent the next hour catching up, sharing stories about their lives and discussing their shared love for literature. The vibes were natural and comfortable, as if they had never been apart.

As time passed, a comfortable silence enveloped the room, they began to work separately in the office. The soft murmur of the pencil scratching against paper filled the professor's office as Claire diligently worked on her essay. The professor, engrossed in her own research on her, occasionally glanced up to steal a look at Claire, appreciating her dedication and .the passion she poured into her work.

The professor found herself admiring Claire's determination, her drive to succeed, and her genuine love for literature. There was something special about the way Claire delved into the world of words, seeking meaning and understanding in the pages she carefully crafted.

At one point, as Claire was deep in thought, the professor asked Claire. "How's your essay coming along?" she asked softly.

Similarly, Claire couldn't help but feel a profound sense of admiration for her professor. Watching her immersed in her research, delving into the depths of literary analysis, Claire was reminded of the passion that had drawn her to the professors class in the first place.

When Claire finally put down her pencil and looked up, she found the professor's gaze fixed on her. There was a tenderness in her eyes that hadn't been there before, the only thing that was heard was Claire breathing.

"Finished?" the professor asked gently, breaking the silence with a smile.

Claire nodded, offering a small smile back . "Yes, I think so. I hope it's up to your standards."

The professor chuckled softly. "there was never a bar set by me I just grade what you bring to the table ," she replied, a note of confidence in her voice. " but I will say your growth as a writer has been remarkable to watch, Claire."

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