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The quiet tinkering of wedding rings against champagne glasses is an oddly specific sound to get used to.

But at the places that I'm taken to dine, of my choosing, I guess that it just comes with the territory.

"How has your week been?" The man across from me asks.

His brown eyes shimmer with traces of lust and the aftermath of having one too many glasses of wine.

He isn't drunk, no. But he's had enough to pump through him straight to places that won't be entertained. Not by me, anyway. That is simply not my job.

"Fine." I reply.

Minimal responses is usually what it's kept at. They don't need to know too much about me and I don't care to know more about them.

"How are your classes?"

"I'm on the Dean's List."

"Unsurprising." He shrugs. "You seem like a very educated woman."

"I am."

"And cocky."

"Confident." I counter.

He gives me a small smile. "What are you in school for?"


"Ou." His eyebrows pinch together. "Do you plan to own one?"

"Someday. I've only got a couple semesters left."

"You could get started right out of school. Or before then, even. Worry about the logistics when you've got your degree."

I suppose that he's right. I have the money saved to start something up. It's just not money that I can use for myself right at this moment.

I've got much bigger things, much more important things to worry about.

"Maybe." I reply with a shrug. "We'll see."

"I could always help you, you know?" He takes a sip of his wine.

"No, thank you." I tell him swiftly.

I don't want to make any of this more than what it is.

I scan the restaurant, avoiding his eyes as I look into the sea of others. Most are men on dates with other women, a few tables have groups of just men or just women. Maybe business outings or ladies' nights.

Scanning the tables, I come across a familiar pair of eyes. An obnoxiously familiar pair of pink lips... dark hair.... bulky biceps.

Jungkook double takes when he sees me. His eyes focus on mine before looking over my attire and then to the man in front of me. He stares at the side of his face as if he's waiting for him to turn around.

There's a scowl on his face all of a sudden. He looks frustrated. For what? I haven't the faintest idea.

"I have to use the ladies' room. I'll be just a moment." I push my chair back and excuse myself from the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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