Angel Birds

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The United States has informed the existence of Osea to all of her citizens, although the meeting between two carrier fleet was still kept secret.As they were expected,the reactions is different from people to people,but most are confusion,fear or thinking as this is a joke.A few people may felt excited,and as alway,conspiracies were built up,some told that Osea came from an alien planet(which technically true)to invade this world,other people think that the US are dealing with some overpower creatures,the government made this up to cover their failure,and they are soon gonna die.

All of that led to the chaotic happened in the economy and stock market,in just a morning,several banks has collapsed due to the demand of money withdrawal,marking a black day for all banker around the nation and the entire world would soon follow,the stock price of top MIC skyrocketed, while the opposite can be seen to traveling,the fear of new things forced human to find a way to defend.

Currently,the government has ensure that all things still in control,the chaos were partly solved,but it will remain until they get a clear view of the new country.The government are finding a way to deal with this new country,since the present of aircraft carriers worried them,they fear that the influence on the Pacific is going to fall out of their hand.

Furthermore,satellite's photo from NASA and numerous of crash had confirm that Osea have something like a space elevator,which the US can only dreaming of.This new nation can definitely create another polar on political world.

"It's him!"

The president of the United States finally step in,carrying the words from the Osean,all camera point at him,this moment is crucial for the future of United States and the rest of the world.They must make any moves caution.Gazing one more time around him,the US president said:

"Good morning,United States citizens,as you had known,the new nation of Osean Federation,was transferred from their earth,which we would called "Strangereal" to digest from our earth.Now,they want to establish diplomatic relationship with the nations from this world,start from the United States.They have no intention to harm us,unless we provoked them,so for now,everything is under control."

The Congress was relieved,they know nothing about Osean's political idea,nor their view to the nation on earth,only the top head know about the talk between the two fleet.After the Congress when silence again,the president continue:

"They had offered us a meeting in Hawaii,right in our territory,I suppose that we cannot let down the invitation,since the other nations may have acknowledged their existence,we have to make them our allies before the Russian or Chinese can step in."

There are many whispers can be heard across the congress,all of them telling Biden that they do found this offer was too generous,but after all,they are still new to this world,Osea step back to the US is reasonable,given that both don't know too much the other's strength other than satellite photo.

"Okay,it's settled then"-the president said-"In tomorrow,we will held a meeting with Osean's president Ander in Hawaii,I'm glad that they are democracy like us,so things would get easier.Howard,from the Department of Foreign Affair,will be the US ambassador in this mission,we believe in you.""

"I will not disappoint you,Mr.president."

The next day morning,Hawaii, United States

A Boeing 747 has just landed on the airfield of Honolulu,it's carrying the entire diplomatic corps.The Air Force 1 had been appoint to this mission,along with a squadron of F-35,their mission is crucial to the United States's influence in the region.There are not much information about Osean Federation's military capability,but given that they have aircraft carrier,and F-22 available,they are must be as powerful,if not stronger than the US.

Step out of the aircraft,Howard can feel the breeze of Hawaii,he sigh,thinking about this mission,the diplomatic was never easy to a nation on earth,let alone a country from a entire different world.

While he was walking to the airport lobby,a loud noise starting to approached.Look to the left,Howard saw another air fleet,with a blue-white seven stars flag painted on the rear of the center plane that seem like a 747,look like it's from Osea,given that he never saw a flag like that before,they quickly run to the airfield where the aircraft would land.

"The flag looks similar to the EU flag,right?"

"Jesus"-Howard told his companion-"That flag only has a round of stars pattern,how can you think like that?"

"I don't know,it seems similar to me,do you think that the Senate is hiding something from us?"

"Not our job,we just need to secure the diplomatic relationship,the rest would be solve by the government-"

Suddenly,Howard's friend stands back and looks at something in the sky,stunning.He immediately looks to the direction where his colleague was looking,and realizes another aircraft.

"Oh c'mon,it's just an aircraft,something like B-2 but white,I though we're already know that Osea and US have similar capabilit-"

Howard was speechless,the aircraft he saw is more than just an aircraft:it was huge,two giant propellers with 6 smaller one,each that as big as a large house,under the wing,few dozen thing was dropped,they quickly form a formation with the air fleet,escorting the "747".Seeing that,Howard(and of course his friend) soon understand that the power of the planet was shifted a bit.They can just stand there,say nothing,and staring at the magnificent aircraft.

"The Angel Bird...."

"Oh no no,we call that the Arsenal Bird,that one is Justice."

Hearing an unfamiliar voice right next to him,Howard and his college turn back and see a man with a small Osean's flag on the vest.They were standing there for too long that the aircraft had already landed

"Oh,excuse us for our manners..."

"It is fine"-the Osean said-"We understand how impressive they are,I'm also stunned when I first see them"


"Ah,we have two of them,the other one called Liberty,we deployed it to the Western coast of Osea,today we take one to escort our diplomatic corps,and of course,make the first impress.We should stop discussing about this now,I'm Robert Ander,the president of Osean Federation"-He raise his hand up

"I am James Howard"-the American ambassador shook Ander's hand-"From the Foreign Service of the United States of America,it's a pleasure to meet you.But we thought you just sent an ambassador?"

"Well...,I want to see this world for myself,beside,I used to work at diplomatic corps too"

By the time they were talking,a dozen of Cadillac had arrived to deliver them to the hotel

"Well..."-Howard said-"Let get to the place we prepared,we will talk about the future of our country,and welcome to the United States"

Osea in our worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن