Chapter 19: Odinyule part 2

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Meanwhile, with the dragons, the nightlights decided to give some gifts to their parents. Winger is telling Shadow about the Odinyule traditions.

"Hm. Odinyule sounds like a fun holiday, even though Night Furies don't usually celebrate it so this is me and my siblings' first time celebrating." Shadow said once Winger was done explaining.

"Yup. Odinyule is the most funnest holiday of the year. It's all about giving, not receiving." Winger explained to his mate.

"I wonder what my siblings are doing now." Shadow said. "Nightstar's with Burple, Moonshine's with Avery, Comet's with Cutter, and Twilight's with Aggro. I think they're fine, Shads." Winger said.

"I sure hope so. Kira and Avery are always fighting each other so they aren't on good terms so far. Kira refuses to talk with Dak, Leyla, and/or Avery... and sometimes me and Moonshine have to stop the fights." Shadow said, sadly.

"I'm sure Kira will forgive them soon, after all, you can't always be enemies, you have to make amends someday." Winger comforted as Shadow smiled at him.

"I love you, Wing, y'know that, right?" Shadow said to Winger, nuzzling the Swift Wing, who nuzzled back. "Right. I love you, too, Shads." Winger nuzzled back.

Once Kira left with Shadow (trying to avoid Dak and Leyla) Winger got to work making his gift to Shadow. It was a gift box with a wrapper that said "I love you!" on it. Inside was a poem to show how much Winger loves Shadow and the kids that he had help with.

Shadow's gift to Winger was a blue crystal-like heart. Now it was the third day of Odinyule, and everyone was giving everyone else presents. 

"Alright, you first." Winger said, and Shadow opened Winger's present.

Forever in my heart,
is where you will be,
Nobody else will enter,
because you have the only key.
We have a lot to be thankful for,
the memories through the years,
the many times together,
full of laughter, full of tears.

Shadow nuzzled Winger. "Aww, thank you, Winger." Shadow said, making Winger blush. "You're welcome."

"Now you open your present." Shadow said. Winger opened the present and saw the crystal. "Thank you, Shads. You're the best mate I could've ever asked for. I love you so much." Winger nuzzled Shadow.

The nightlights gave their presents to their parents and each other to show much how they love each other. It was an amazing time, indeed, for the dragon family. And that's not the only good thing that happened. Kira fixed her friendship with Dak, Leyla, and Avery.

The chapter is finally here. I know it's been so long since the last chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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