WattpadHornsandHalos: Angels and Demons

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Prompt: You find yourself stuck between and angel and a demon who need to put aside their differences and work together to stop a greater evil.

Austyn's POV

I woke up on the edge of my bed, barely on it.  I looked to the side and the sun slashed through the curtains and I fell off the bed, hitting my head on the bedside table.

"Really?" I said, can't believe my luck.  This time though Lyntho peeked through the door and checked on me instead of Altha, who I could hear snoring on the couch.  I got up and headed out of the school, heading to Elshalune the city near the docks, and conducted the most trade anywhere.

After I signed out on the little pad and put down where I was going, I hopped on one of the Belts and strapped down.

The Belts looked like a conveyor belt except it's way longer, wider and it can go at the speed of light.  As soon as I was buckled it blasted me off, reading my mind on where I wanted to go.  I was transported from one Belt to the next in my little pod and in half a second I was there.

I stepped off, wobbling a bit, and then headed towards the big theater right next to the Belt.  To my disappointment, only some lame movies were playing and the one I wanted to watch was sold out.  I cursed at my bad luck and headed to the water only a little way down.

There were many people at the beach some of them watching the children or walking along the many pairs that stuck out of the sand like arrows through a deer.

I dipped my feet in the water and got some food, a Galec, which is like a cross between a burger, an enchilada, and a pizza all combined into one. and some noodle like Amerisal.  A bit later on, still not believing that I had to pay 40 Seclevs(35 US dollars), I headed back to the city and went back to Excerin's glad for this nice trip and change of scenery.

After getting back to school I went upstairs and finally finished this five-book series that had taken me a week and a half, the longest one yet.  Before dinner, Amiri came over and we hung out for a bit before going to the cafeteria where we met up with Flynn.

After a nice dinner, we all went into the game room where there were many board games, video games, and movies that you could play there or in your room.  We played some video games there and got some snacks and then at around 10:00 PM, we called it a night.

I took a shower, still feeling the grains of sand on me.  I stepped out and headed into bed, hoping that tomorrow would be just as good as today.


"Come on we're gonna be late!" Amiri said, pulling my arm as she practically sprinted down the hallways.

"Where are we going again?" I asked pressing the elevator's button as milling students blocked some of the sun as it streamed its way in through the ceiling-to-floor windows.  The elevator's doors pinged open and we went in with a couple of other students.

"We're going to the tournament in Balestil," she said, answering my previous question.

"Right," I said as the doors pinged open and we headed out through the flurry of students.  We headed towards the belts where the school had its own docking station with about 100 pods at the student's beck and call.

We hopped on one and were transported to Balestil almost instantly, and after helping Amiri out we walked towards the stadium where ten duels were going on and then the final championship.

We entered the place and went to our seats and then I went down to get us some food, knowing that we would be here for a good chunk of the day.  While I was walking back with our food I encountered two peculiar people, if you could call them that, arguing in a corner.

"You have to help us!" the female one said, her wings glinting in the sunlight.

"We've stated our terms, if you don't give us them we won't help," the male one said plainly, his dark red eyes matching his wings.

"Won't help with what?" I asked brightly, towering over their three-foot-tall forms.  They both squeaked sounds of surprise and looked at me.

"How can you see us?" The girl said, flying up to my eye level along with the male.

"Who are you?" I asked, changing the subject.  The little girl touched me at lightning speeds before I could even react.  Immediately I could tell that she read my mind and had full access to all of my previous thoughts and memories.

"Well aren't you interesting," she said brightly, completely different from the male's manner.  "I'm Brystal and this is," she paused for a second, contemplating what to say, "not my friend, Magnal," she finished.

"I'm a Demon, and she's the"Beloved Angel, loved by all!" Magnal, the demon said grumpily, crossing his arms.

"You realize you said the same thing," I commented, and you could tell it took all of his self-control not to try and hit me.

"So what are you guys arguing about?" I continued.

"That object you found, the Mreltion is a Demon," Brystal explained, "We need to find it and the Demons aren't helping at all without us giving them free rein on Earth."

"Well here you go," I said handing them the pouch of ashes from when I destroyed the Mreltion. "I burned it and separated its ashes, hopefully. this can lead you back to where the rest of them are," I said putting it into her hand and walking off with our sandwiches and chips back to Amiri.

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