Raquelle gasped. "Oh my goodness, it's a puppy!" She squealed as she picked the puppy up out of the box.

She walked back over to everyone else. "Mira!" She held the puppy up in front of Carlos face.

"It's a rottweiler." He mumbled before checking to see what the gender was. "And it's a boy."

"I wanna keep him." Raquelle poked her lip out as she turned to Monse.

Carlos liked seeing this soft side of her. When she didn't feel like she had to keep up this super confident and tough façade.

"Are you sure you wanna cuddle with that. It might have fleas and ticks." Jamal warned.

"He's just a baby though." Raquelle rubbed over his head. "I don't think dad's gonna let you keep him." Monse said.

"He doesn't really have a choice. I do what I want. Carlos, take me home." Raquelle said as she opened the passenger door.

(A/N: Whateva whateva, I do what I want! — Cartman😭😭)

"Who the fuck she think she is? Bossing me around and shit." Carlos complained. "Hey, can I get a ride too?" Olivia asked.

Carlos glanced at Cesar who was subtly shaking his head.

"I'on got enough room." He told her. Spotting Rio and Jordyn, Carlos sighed in relief seeing them jogging over.

The passenger window rolled down. "Bitch, hurry up! I found a puppy!" Raquelle yelled.

"A puppy?" Jordyn rushed over and got in the car.

"It's nine on a school night, you can't go out." Monse told her sister.

"Calm down, it's not that deep. I'll just skip school tomorrow." Raquelle said before trying to walk off.

Monse pulled her back. "Dad's coming home tomorrow." She said. Raquelle shrugged. "Ok... I'm still gonna skip. I told you, I do what I want."

Carlos watched as the two went back and forth before Raquelle began walking to the car.

He unlocked the door and she got in the passenger seat. "Hey." She mumbled as she sat back.

Carlos didn't say anything back, just started driving. She watched as he grabbed a blunt from behind his ear and passed it over to her.

"Light this for me." He instructed. Raquelle sat up and grabbed the blunt from him.

She pulled a lighter out her purse and lit the blunt, hitting it twice before passing it over to him.

"Preciate it." He told her as he took the blunt from her fingers.

Raquelle watched as he put the blunt to his lips and inhaled. They both stayed silent for the rest of the car ride, the only sound being the music playing from the bluetooth.

When the car came to a stop and Carlos put it in park, Raquelle looked up from her phone.

"Why we at the beach?" She asked.

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