North's escape

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"I've got to escape" North thought, As North found himself trapped in the ice kingdom, he knew that he had no other choice but to find a way out, "I could use the powers that mother gave me" North shot back at himself Using his magical powers, North created a powerful spell that allowed him to communicate with the spirits of the ice "could you help me escape?" North asked one of the spirits"of course I would help you break free" the spirit said "wait we can't he's the prince" another spirit said "please I have to, they'll think I'm dead, Snowfall wants me dead anyway" North cried "please help this poor dragonet" the first spirit said to the other "fine" the other spirit said He convinced them to guide him towards the exit of the frozen fortress "this is it" North thought With his wits, North followed the spirits' directions and navigated through labyrinthine passages "and where do you think you are going" Glacier asked Suddenly, North found himself face to face with the Evil Ice Queen, who was blocking his way out "I'm just going for a walk" North said "no your not, Snowfall heard your plans" Glacier said North tended his talons "fight me" North finally said Unfazed, North summoned all his courage and engaged in a fierce battle with her "you'll pay for it, North" Glacier said "we'll see" North said After a long and grueling fight, North emerged victorious, and the Ice Queen retreated "you win" Glacier said as blue blood dripped under her talons With the path now clear, North succeeded in escaping from the ice kingdom and returned to his own land, victorious.

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