The explanation

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"It means that you have the same power as I do, but use it wisely, North" Southeast said as she pushed her son lightly away "ok mother" North said "but remember I'll beat you in the rankings" Snowfall yelled North wrinkled his snout as he walked away "leave my brother alone" West said as he pushed Snowfall away "what was that for" Snowfall asked "once your dead it won't matter anymore, North will be the best king the tribe has ever seen in years" South said as he shot after North "your brother will never be the best!!" Snowfall yelled as she got up "we'll see" East said whacking his tail in her face his tail spikes clanked against each other making a loud noise further into the palace North still heard Snowfall's voice and he as he got into the throne room he could feel that he was going to be destined for the throne "Glacier" he finally asked "yes dear" Glacier said "can I try sitting on the throne, I want to know how it feels" North said "well of course little prince" Glacier said as she stepped off the throne North walked onto it and sat down closing his eyes and imagining every dragon bowing to him "how is it" Glacier asked "it's amazing" North said "get off my future throne" Snowfall yelled "Snowfall be nice to your cousin" Glacier said "but mother I'm going to be queen once I'm old enough to challenge you" Snowfall blurted "well I'm giving the chance now" Glacier said "North want to come and see the rankings board??" South asked "sure" North said as he walked off the throne and shot after his brother "it's amazing that we get to see how strong we are" South said "well I can't top Snowfall, she would kill me if I did pass her" North said "argh.. don't worry brother, you are destined to be king one day" South said "will she bow to me??" North asked while seeing how Snowfall would rip his throat out if he tipped her in the rankings and even worse her watching him become king of the IceWings "of course, Glacier would make her bow to you" South said as they landed on the courtyard floor "look, we are already a place further" South said North didn't pay attention to what he was saying he scanned the board and saw Snowfall's name standing at top of the rankings he growled softly deep in his throat.

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