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Saat jam tengah malam mendekat, Raven mulai merasakan antisipasi gelisah yang tumbuh di dalam dirinya. Dia dipenuhi dengan rasa ingin tahu. Saat kastil menjadi hening Raven mulai menjelajah lebih dalam ke kastil, Ia memberanikan diri untuk menjelajah lebih jauh dan lebih jauh ke dalam bayang-bayang.

Raven berkeliaran semakin jauh ke dalam kastil, kepercayaan dirinya tumbuh dengan setiap langkah. Dia berkelana ke bagian kastil yang belum pernah dia lihat sebelumnya, dan keingintahuannya dipicu oleh arsitektur misterius dan menarik di sekitarnya.

Tibalah Raven di menara astronomi. She could see twinkling lights shining through the windows of the tower, and a sense of wonder and mystery filled her heart.

Dia perlahan berjalan menaiki tangga menara yang berkelok-kelok, jantungnya berdebar kencang. Dia mendekati pintu di bagian atas tangga, dan perlahan membukanya. Langit terang bulan terbentang di depannya, dengan ratusan bintang berkilauan berkelap-kelip di malam hari. Pemandangan dari atas menara itu nyata dan ajaib, seperti dia berdiri di atas awan. 

She smiled

Saat Raven menikmati pemandangan dari atas menara astronomi, dia mulai mendengar suara dari kejauhan. Dia menajamkan telinganya dan mendengarkan dengan hati-hati, mencoba mencari tahu dengan tepat apa yang dia dengar.

As she listened more closely, she realized that the noises were getting louder and louder. Suddenly, she heard an unmistakable voice calling out her name. Startled, she turned around and saw Eddie standing on the stairs of the tower, looking up at her in concern.

"Raven!? What are you doing?!" Eddie memanggil dengan cemas. "Aku mencarimu ke mana-mana!" Raven kaget dan terlonjak dari tempat Ia berdiri saat mendengar suara Eddie, jantungnya berdebar kencang.

"Eddie! You scared me!" she said, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Sorry" kata Eddie, menatap lawan bicaranya dengan prihatin. "But what on earth is going on? It's the middle of the night. Why are you up here?"

"I'm just..." Raven hesitated, unsure of what to say. "I was wandering around Hogwarts, exploring the castle. What about you, Eddie?"

"I was looking for you," Eddie said, his voice full of concern. "Hah? kenapa? We're not even in the same house?" Raven replied

"I've been so worried about you lately...you haven't been in classes, and you disappear in the middle of the night. It's not like you at all." Kata Eddie

As Raven listened to Eddie's words, she felt a pang of guilt. She had been so caught up in her own thoughts and feelings that she hadn't taken the time to consider how her behavior might be affecting those around her.

As Raven and Eddie were talking, they were startled by a sharp voice cutting off their conversation. Looking up, they saw Severus Snape approaching them, looking irritated. He walked up to Raven and grabbed her arm, roughly dragging her away from Eddie. Raven was shocked by this intervention and stared at Snape, confused and Eddie a little scared.

"What's going on professor?" Tanya Eddie.

"It's none of your business, Mr Carmichael. Now get back to your dorm, 30 points from Ravenclaw and detention with Professor Flitwick tomorrow!" Snape snapped, glaring at Eddie before turning his attention back to Raven.

Saat Eddie melihat Professor Snape membawa Raven pergi, dia merasa marahan dan frustrasi, he clenched his jaw. Dia ingin menghentikan Snape, dan melindungi Raven, tetapi dia tahu ini bukan saatnya untuk ikut campur. Saat Snape dan Raven menghilang dari pandangan, Eddie menghela napas dalam-dalam dan menggelengkan kepalanya, campuran kekhawatiran dan kemarahan berputar-putar di dalam dirinya. Dia berbalik dan mulai berjalan kembali menuruni tangga dari arah berlawanan dengan professor snape dan kembali ke Ravenclaw common room. Eddie berharap Raven baik-baik saja dan Raven akan memberitahunya apa yang sedang terjadi, tetapi dia tahu bahwa dia harus menunggu Raven datang kepadanya.


In a dark, empty, quiet corridor Snape let go of Raven's arm and came to a sudden stop. Looking down at her, his expression was cold and stern.

"We need to have a talk," he stated harshly.

He glanced around, making sure that they were completely alone. Satisfied that no one else was nearby, he pressed his body close to Raven. His voice was low and threatening as he stared intently at her.

"You are going to tell me everything," he hissed, "or else."

Mata obsidian sang professor bertemu dengan mata berkilau milik Raven. Ekspresi professor Snape galak dan mengintimidasi seperti biasanya. Dia adalah pria yang tahu apa yang dia inginkan, dan dia bersungguh-sungguh. 

Raven felt a surge of fear and apprehension as she looked up at Snape. She took a step back, trying to get away from him, but he placed a hand on her shoulder and held her firmly in place.

"I'm not letting you off so easily," he snarled, his voice full of aggression. "I want answers, and you are going to give them to me."

"Professor Snape," Raven berbisik, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please, don't do this."

Snape's face was filled with anger, and he seemed determined to get what he wanted. "Did I already tell you not to wander Hogwarts at midnight?"

"I'm just sleepwalking, sir," kata Raven. Snape's body getting closer to her "don't. lie. to. Me"

"Do you know how serious this is?! There's a bunch of dementors here in Hogwarts!" Said Severus while taking a step back

"Sorry sir" said Raven look at the ground

"Sekarang beri tahu saya mengapa anda terus membuat kesalahan yang sama?" said Severus sternly

"I cannot" said Raven quietly. Snape raised his eyebrow

"Fine! I couldn't sleep, that's all!"

"Insomnia?" Snape's face become more chill this time

"Uhh- kind of" said Raven

"Do you need some sleeping draught?" Snape replied

"No thanks" Snape nod

"50 points from Slytherin" Said Severus and began to walk away. Raven following him from behind "Wait what?! Why Eddie 30 and I'm 50?! It's your house too, you want us to lose this year again?!"

"I'm the professor, I can do whatever I want" Snape smirked

"That's not fair!" Said Raven fast walking following Snape's long step

"Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair." Snape shrugging

... "Indeed" Said Raven

"Now now, why are you following me?" Kata Severus berhenti tiba tiba, dan Raven tidak sengaja membenturkan dahinya ke punggung professor ramuannya itu

"Errr sorry-" said Raven

"Go before I get you more detention with me"

"No way! Good night professor" Raven ran to the slytherin common room, she entered it and sat on the couch smiling like crazy, people may think she's mental!


Hellooooo, i'm so so sooo sorry karena part ini banyaaak bahasa Inggrisnya. I'm not that good writing a story in Indonesian (i was good but yeah idk why tho lmao)

Oya part ini uda lebih panjang yaa!! thanks for the comments! :D

Let me know what do you think in the comment section! pleeeease leave a like okkk :3

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