Chapter 571 - 580

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    They left more than a dozen bolts of cloth, so they don't have to worry about clothes in this life.

    Fengcheng started low, but life improved rapidly.

    Hwaseong has a good foundation, but it seems to be developing slowly.

    According to them, Hwaseong is now an island, and the nearest land is more than 300 nautical miles away.

    Huang Mao couldn't help feeling that a city changes because of one person.

    This shock cannot be described in words.

    He was very scheming, so he called Zhang Li for help, cooked a pot of kelp soup, and fried two plates of pickled vegetable noodle cakes, "Come, come, try it." Hwaseong has wheat, but the base has a large number of people, and the submarine

    crew I can't eat once in two months, which is still a good treatment.

    Smelling the aroma of the noodles, everyone salivated, but none dared to move their chopsticks.

    This is a precious food.

    Xu Kaitai was in a complicated mood, "Try it, it will get better and better in the future."

    The students just picked up their chopsticks, and they were reluctant to gobble it up, but chewed carefully, enjoying the taste buds.

    Jiang Ning asked, "How is the base hospital?"

    "It's not bad, there are herbal medicine plantations, equipment, and the training and selection of doctors."

    Jiang Ning pretended to be surprised, "Which doctor is so good that he can lead apprentices? "

    It seems to be a professor surnamed Ma, who is also from Guangdong Province in the south. I have seen a doctor before, and he is a very kind old man."

    Ma Guangnian is still there, and Jiang Ning can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. A batch of students with outstanding medical skills.

    After getting acquainted, the team members of the two sides communicated more. Huang Mao asked, "Except Chief Gu, have all the other district army chiefs arrived?" "

    Except for one who died of illness, the others have arrived."

    The backbone expired, and all the people in Hwaseong worked together to develop and build. Zhang Li and others were both looking forward to and curious     , "How are the people from the southern military base doing there?" "fine."

ʚChapter 572
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    Jiang Ning didn't speak, but he had other thoughts in his mind.

    Good should be good. The senior officials of Hwaseong have sent people out to find survivors, which is enough to show that their original intentions have not changed, but how to say?

    Parents are too busy, and many things don't take care of the bottom layer. It is definitely not possible to deliberately exclude them, but it is strange for children who are not protected by their own parents to say that they will not be wronged.

    The soldiers who were originally attached to the southern military base were assigned to different teams. Children without biological parents are naturally sensitive, while mothers with children have ten fingers with different lengths.

    Especially the lower the level, the more obvious this behavior is, and contradictions will arise over time.

    There are too many monks and too little porridge. If you are not big enough, you can't grab others even if you want to grab them.

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