5. The Coping Up

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At this point of time, I could not decide what was more shameful- being stood up in my wedding or forgetting my bag of clothes in the drawing room where my boss is probably still sitting

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At this point of time, I could not decide what was more shameful- being stood up in my wedding or forgetting my bag of clothes in the drawing room where my boss is probably still sitting.

Looking back at the hamper, I grimaced. There was no way in hell I could wear those clothes again. They are all sweaty and stinky and capable of making my shower fruitless.

But then again, my entire apartment was packed up and the moving company were instructed to arrive the following morning. I made a mental note to call up and cancel the moving company, first thing in the morning.

But, for now, I had to get changed into something more comfortable.

While I paced the bathroom in nervousness, I heard my best friend calling my name at the top of her lungs on the other side of the door. Bless you Trisha.

"Trish? Can you get my luggage from the drawing room?" I called out. Upon hearing a positive reply, I heaved a positive sigh.

A few minutes later, Trisha knocked on my bathroom door and called out my name. Coming out in a towel infront of my best friend was no shame for me. However, I shooed her away before changing into a comfortable pair of pyjama and tee.

Walking out of my bedroom that practically had nothing except the furniture that came along with the quarter- a bed, a bedside table, a cupboard, I witnessed my boss and my best friend whispering something to each other with a very serious look plastered on either of their faces.

As soon as Adyansh's eyes traced me from my bedroom to the drawing room, he nudged Trisha about my arrival and soon both of them shut up. It did not take a genius to guess they were talking about my runaway ex fiance.

"Now that Trisha is here, I'll take my leave. Until next time, Vaani." He waved and soon walked out of the main door. I would have asked him to stay for a bit longer or even treated him like a good host but then it was already four in the morning and he needed to sleep off some exhaustion, too, before he attends the meeting scheduled for eleven in the morning the next day.

As soon as the door closed behind Adyansh, my best friend wrapped me in a bear hug. With a height of five feet four inches, my best fried did have a good leverage over me in physical features. Her hugs were warmer and possessed the capability of squeezing me into juices.

"I can't breathe Trish!" I managed to squeak out. She finally left me and ushered me onto the couch, another part of the well furnished apartment.

"While you were away covering your pretty body with clothes, I asked you boss if he could ignore your letter of leaving the quarters. Hence, this appartment is safe with you until you re- submit an application stating other wise. You'll still have your leave as given in the application. And your parents are home safe. I dropped them there myself. Rest assured." She rambled off.

"Thank you so much, Trish. I really really love you." I hugged her, this time.

"I know. I know. Also, I got icecream. I would have got alcohol to drown your sorrows but then you don't touch those toxic drinks." She passed me the tub of ice cream from the refrigerator with a big spoon.

A comfortable silence lingered between us as we watched the news reporter on the TV ramble about the medical scams of our country.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked her. Trisha knew who I was talking about. She also knew I would never take his name again.

"Nope." She answered.

"Portblair. At the expense of tickets I bought." I informed her.

"No shits? I knew that guy was a fucker. Didn't I tell you n number of times he looks shaddy?" She fired.

I snorted in reply. "And I told you you were just jealous I was giving him more attention. Fuck, I was a fool."

"Mm hmm. That's the reason you should always listen to Mata Trisha Devi and her pravachans." She spoke in all seriousness making me giggle.

"Guess who is he with?" I asked her. I know another 'I told you so' was in order. For some odd reasons, my best friend never liked my sister. Like never. Neither was she comfortable about the fact that I was going to shift in her vicinity after marriage.

"Who?" She asked me, curiously.

"My sister. Navya." I told her. It hurt this time.

"Ouch." She winced.

"I know right." I bit my lower lip. "Oddly, I don't feel any remorse about being stood up in the wedding. I guess my sister's betrayal hurt me more than humiliation." I told her as a rogue tear slipped out of my eyes.

"You don't feel bad about the-one-whose-name- we're-never-gonna-take because you did not love him. You were just comfortable with the idea of being around someone you have known for long." She clarified.

"I have seen people be in love and believe me when I tell you they really look like puppies. While you were undoubtedly in a, may I quote and unqoute 'positive' relationship, you were not in love with him, V." She explained.

"But your sister is someone who acted as a bitch in this situation." She pointed out.

"I'll rather have my vaginas operated out than have romantic feelings for a man who is in relationship with you and I am merely your best friend for seven years. I can't imagine being at your sister's place and play the cheating card."

A strange wave of silence followed her words.

"Do you think he would have come home to your bed after fucking your sister?" She asked. I can tell she did not mean to speak her thoughts loud but the question surely made me grimace.

Fuck this shit. I thought as I took another big bite of ice cream.

"When are you planning to go back home?" I asked her.

Trisha worked in a company three hours away from Jaipur.

"Already kicking me out?" She snorted at her own attempt of joke.

"Anyways, I'll leave Jaipur by six pm tomorrow. I need a night's sleep before I go to work. But if you need me, I'll take a few days off. It's not like the newspaper won't publish if I don't come to office for a week. There are enough people to work on the printing room." She assured me.

My heart swole in emotions. Trisha along with my father had always been a constant pillar of emotional support to me. And I know she'll even resign if I say I want her for the entire month.

"I think I'll go back to office tomorrow. I can't sit and overthink my brains out at home." I told her.

"If that's how you want to cope this shit, go ahead. But I'll take you to the therapist if I see something wrong with you. And expect me to call you every couple of hours to make sure you are okay. If you don't pick up my call, I swear I'll file a missing complaint. Deal?"


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