*.・+★ 01 || First Words

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With the dawn breaking through the curtains, I rose from my bed, feeling a mix of anticipation and readiness for the day ahead. Today was no ordinary day, for it marked the beginning of a new school year at Shiratorizawa Academy.

I took a deep breath, letting the excitement fill my lungs, and began my morning routine, preparing for the journey that lay ahead.

Dressed in the crisp, neatly pressed uniform, I checked myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing my bag and heading out the door. The cool morning air greeted me, invigorating my senses as I stepped onto the familiar path that led to school.

As I made my way down the street, I caught sight of my friend, Hiroki, who I had met during our first year at Shiratorizawa. His warm smile welcomed me, and I quickened my pace to catch up with him.

"Hey, Y/N! Ready for our last year at Shiratorizawa?" Hiroki asked, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

I nodded, matching his smile with my own. "Absolutely! I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us. How about you?"

Hiroki adjusted the strap of his bag, his eyes shining with determination. "I'm excited too. There's so much to learn, so many new experiences waiting for us. And of course, the volleyball team tryouts are coming up soon!"

A surge of anticipation washed over me as I imagined the volleyball court and the challenges that awaited him. " Oh yeah! I hope you do make it because I could tell, I helped you train and you're really good Hiro! "

Hiroki chuckled, his footsteps falling in sync with mine. "I have no doubt about that, Y/N! Thank you for the support through it!"

We continued our walk, the familiar sights of the town passing by as we engaged in conversation, discussing our hopes, dreams, and the exciting possibilities that the new school year held. The sound of seagulls filled the air, reminding us of the beach where we had spent countless hours as children, our bond growing stronger with each wave that crashed against the shore.

As we approached the grand entrance of Shiratorizawa Academy, the towering gates beckoned us, a symbol of the opportunities and challenges that awaited us within. I paused for a moment, gazing up at the magnificent structure before us.

"It's hard to believe we're our last year here," I mused, a mix of nostalgia and excitement in my voice.

Hiroki nodded, his eyes sparkling with determination. "Indeed, time flies, doesn't it? But I have a feeling this year will be something truly special. We've come so far, Y/N, and we're ready to take on whatever comes our way."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the journey that had brought us to this point. With Hiroki by my side, I knew that no challenge was insurmountable, no dream too grand. We had each other's backs, and together, we would face the trials and triumphs of another year at Shiratorizawa Academy.

As we stepped through the gates, ready to embrace the new school year, the energy of anticipation enveloped us. We walked side by side, our laughter and conversation filling the air, as we set forth on the path to our classrooms, but first, we needed to pick up someone at a certain spot.

I spotted our friend, Ayumi, waving us over from a corner booth.

Ayumi, with her bright smile and infectious energy, never failed to bring a sense of warmth to any gathering. We greeted each other with a hug and settled into the seats beside her, joining the lively ambiance of the lunchroom before school started.

"Y/N! Hiroki! I've missed you both!" Ayumi exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with genuine delight.

"We missed you too, Ayumi," I replied, returning her smile. "How was your summer?"

Ayumi leaned in, her excitement evident in her voice. "Oh, it was incredible! I attended a fashion design camp and got to showcase some outfits to models! It was such an inspiring experience."

Hiroki nodded, his eyes filled with admiration. "That sounds amazing, Ayumi. I can only imagine how much you've grown as a designer!"

Ayumi blushed modestly, twirling a strand of her hair. "Well, I've definitely learned a lot. But enough about me. What about you two? How was your summer? Any exciting adventures?"

I chuckled, recalling the countless hours spent studying and training. "Well, I dedicated most of my time to preparing for the upcoming tests I have in stored to pursue my dream. It was intense, but I feel ready for the challenge."

Hiroki chimed in, his eyes gleaming with determination. "I focused on improving my techniques and refining my skills. I've been working on my serve, trying to make it even more powerful."

Ayumi clapped her hands in excitement. "That's fantastic, both of you! I have no doubt that you'll excel during the tryouts and tests! You've both worked so hard."

She stopped after that, then glared over at me with a hint of disappointment and a playful but changed tone in her voice. 

"Babe, I'm happy about the practicing of the tests or whatever, BUT you need to have something else to be passionate about! Didn't you say that you wanted to study medicine like your mom? ANDD I heard you had a passion for sports, and you wanted to follow along with something like that. DO SOMETHING THAT COULD HELP YOU WITH THAT! Tests during the summer isn't it sweetheart."

I placed my head down on the table, my words stumbling as I spoke.

"I know but I need to make sure I stay on top or I'll fail miserably! I have to be number one even if I have to wear myself out..!"

Ayumi placed her arm around me and rocked my body back and forth. 

"I know love, but don't tire yourself too much! By the way, when are you gonna talk to Mr. Hottie about how you feel?"

As she said that, Ayumi Hiroki and I looked over at the entrance of the lunchroom, seeing the tall known figure walkthrough. It was none other than Ushijima. He walked in with some friends and sat at a random cleared-off table.

I looked over at Ayumi as my face turned different colors. I pushed her away and placed my pale hands over my recently darkened facial features.

"I can't do something like that! It'll ruin our friendship..."

Ayumi persisted and twirled her hair once again as she spoke about him.

"When I first saw him, I thought he was a masterpiece! I need him to be my model soon. But dear, get your chance when the time is right! It's our last year, and you don't know what would happen next!"

Hiroki jumped in, agreeing with the confident female.

"Right, we both know you've liked him for a minute, so take the chance when its present!"

I removed my hands and looked over at the table. He barely spoke to the people he sat with since they did all the talking, but surely he responds to things once asked. As I thought about what to do- I saw the male glance my way, creating direct eye contact.  

Ayumi noticed and made a remark once again.

"Oh look, he definitely wants you, I mean who wouldn't!"

Hiroki and Ayumi laughed as I slouched on the table, not understanding anything at all.


As the final bell rang, signaling the start of school, Hiroki and Ayumi kindly offered to walk me to my first class. With our bags slung over our shoulders, we strolled down the hallway, the familiar sound of students rushing to their respective classrooms filling the air.

Just as we approached the door to my classroom, I spotted Ushijima standing nearby, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. A surge of anticipation mixed with a hint of nervousness coursed through me. I mustered the courage to approach him, hoping to strike up a conversation about the summer we had all spent apart.

"Hey, Ushijima!" I called out, a warm smile on my face. "How was your summer break? Did you have any exciting experiences?"

Ushijima turned towards me, his expression stoic and unreadable. With a curt nod, he replied, "It was fine. I trained and played volleyball."

His response was short and to the point, leaving me at a loss for further conversation. I glanced at Hiroki and Ayumi, hoping for some guidance, but they wore expressions of understanding as if they were familiar with Ushijima's reserved nature. Ayumi of course did try and signal me to talk more and be more confident.

Undeterred, I pressed on, determined to keep the conversation flowing. "That sounds great, Ushijima. Did you learn any new techniques or discover anything interesting during your training?"

Ushijima's response was once again minimal, his tone barely changing. "Yes, I focused on my spikes and practiced my serves."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. I had hoped for a more engaging conversation, to catch a glimpse of the Ushijima I had known as a childhood friend. But his responses remained concise, his attention seemingly elsewhere.

With a forced smile, I acknowledged his answers. "Well, it's good to hear that you're dedicated to improving your skills. Maybe we can practice together sometime?"

Ushijima's reply was as brief as before. "Maybe."

A sense of unease settled within me as the conversation reached a standstill. Ushijima bid me a simple "Bye" and walked away, leaving me feeling a bit stuck, unsure of how to proceed.

Hiroki and Ayumi exchanged glances at each other and then at me, making weird and unknowing faces. They offered me comforting words, assuring me that Ushijima's reserved nature was nothing personal, but rather a part of who he was. They reminded me of the times when Ushijima's actions spoke louder than words, of the friendship we had shared since childhood.

Though still slightly disappointed, I took a deep breath, pushing aside my lingering feelings of awkwardness. With Hiroki and Ayumi's support, I felt a renewed sense of determination.

As we bid each other farewell and I entered the classroom, I resolved to cherish the memories we had shared and the friendship we had forged. And even if Ushijima's responses were often brief and enigmatic, I knew that our connection would persist, rooted in the unspoken bonds of shared experiences and a shared dream.

With that thought in mind, I took my seat, ready to face the challenges of the class ahead. And as the lessons unfolded, I reminded myself that sometimes, the most profound connections are not forged through words alone but through the unspoken understanding that transcends them.

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