*.・+★ 13 || Comfort

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I stood there, my legs trembling with anticipation and anxiety. Every time the door swung open, my heart leaped in my chest, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person I had called. As the minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, my eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of their arrival.

Then, amidst the sea of faces, I caught sight of someone who bore a striking resemblance to the person I had called. A rush of relief washed over me as they approached, and without a second thought, I found myself enveloped in a warm, comforting embrace.

As I leaned into the hug, a mix of emotions flooded my senses. Gratitude, relief, and a profound sense of connection washed over me. I felt a weight being lifted from my shoulders, knowing that I wasn't alone in this moment of uncertainty.

And then, as I looked up, I saw him standing there. Ushijima. The person I had called, the one I had hoped would come to my aid. But to my surprise, he wasn't alone. Standing beside him was his mother, the girl I had just shared a heartfelt embrace with.

Confusion swirled in my mind as I tried to make sense of the situation. Why was Ushijima's mother here? How did she know the person I had called? But before I could voice my questions, Ushijima spoke, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and sincerity.

"Y/N, I knew you needed someone to lean on, and my mother insisted on coming with me," he explained gently. "We wanted to offer our support."

The realization washed over me like a wave, filling my heart with gratitude. In my moment of vulnerability, Ushijima and his mother stepped forward, offering their love and care. It was a gesture that touched me deeply, reminding me that I was not alone in this journey.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I found the strength to speak, my voice filled with emotion. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely above a breath. "Thank you for being here."

Ushijima's mother stepped forward, her presence radiating warmth and compassion. She smiled gently, her eyes filled with understanding. "We're here for you, Y/N," she said softly. "You're not alone, and we'll do everything we can to support you."

As I stood before Ushijima and his mother, I took a deep breath, gathering the strength to share the weight that had been weighing heavily on my heart. I began to explain the situation, the struggles my mother had faced, and the toll it had taken on her health.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I recounted the challenges my mother had encountered, the exhaustion that had overwhelmed her, and the fear that had gripped our family. I spoke of the uncertainty we faced, the daunting decisions that had to be made, and the constant worry that consumed my thoughts.

Ushijima's mother listened attentively, her eyes filled with empathy and understanding. Her presence offered a sense of comfort, a feeling that I was being heard and supported. And Ushijima, standing beside me, provided a silent strength, his unwavering support evident in his presence.As I shared the details, I could feel the weight of my burden being shared, the pain and anxiety dissipating with each word spoken. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, knowing that I no longer carried this struggle alone.

Ushijima's mother reached out and gently placed a hand on mine, offering reassurance and compassion. "Y/N, I understand how difficult this must be for you and your mother," she said softly. "You've shown such strength in taking care of her, but remember that it's important to also take care of yourself."

Her words resonated deeply within me. I realized that in my unwavering dedication to my mother's well-being, I had neglected my own self-care. It was a reminder that I needed to find balance, seek support, and allow others to be there for me in return.

Ushijima spoke up, his voice filled with determination and sincerity. "Y/N, you don't have to face this alone. We're here for you, both my mother and I. Lean on us when you need to, and remember that we care about you."

The weight of their words and their unwavering support overwhelmed me, leaving me feeling both vulnerable and grateful. In that moment, I realized the true power of having people by your side during difficult times, individuals who would listen, understand, and offer their support without judgment.

As we stood there, enveloped in a shared understanding, I felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. The road ahead was still uncertain, but I knew that with Ushijima and his mother standing beside me, I had a support system that would help me navigate the challenges to come.


As Ushijima's mother went to check on mine, I found myself alone with Ushijima. There was a gentle calmness in the air, a moment of respite amidst the turmoil that surrounded us. We stood in silence for a moment, the weight of the situation hanging heavy in the room.

I turned to Ushijima, his presence providing a sense of comfort and familiarity. His stoic expression softened slightly, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and support. I could tell that he was trying to find the right words, wanting to offer solace in this difficult time.

He reached out, his hand gently touching mine, a silent gesture of understanding and compassion. In that simple touch, I felt a surge of warmth and reassurance wash over me. It was as if his touch spoke volumes, conveying the unspoken support and empathy that he held for me.

"I'm here for you, Y/N," Ushijima said softly, his voice steady and calm. "Whatever you need, whatever you're going through, know that I will support you."
Tears welled up in my eyes, the weight of the moment and his words resonating deeply within me. I nodded, unable to find the right words to express my gratitude for his unwavering presence.

We stood there together, our shared silence speaking volumes. I then spoke up a little more, asking him a question.

"After I was mad at you and didn't bother to see you, you still came. Why?"

Looking away, he responded with a more gentle settlement in his voice.

"I care for you. As I said, I don't know what a relationship feels like but that doesn't mean I won't care."

My eyes widened. I didn't realize any of it and how he showed his kind gestures. I always just pushed that aside. I was about to speak up until his mom was near.

Ushijima's mother emerged from the room, her gaze filled with a mix of concern and compassion, she extended an invitation for me to come to their house. Ushijima stood beside her, his silent agreement evident in the slight nod of his head.

Touched by their kindness and generosity, I mustered a grateful smile and accepted their invitation. In that moment, I felt a sense of relief knowing that I had a safe haven, a place where I could find solace and support during this challenging time.

We made our way to their home, a tranquil space that exuded warmth and comfort. Ushijima's mother welcomed me with open arms, creating an atmosphere that felt like a sanctuary from the storm that raged outside.

As I settled into their home, I was enveloped by a sense of belonging. Ushijima's mother made sure I felt at ease, offering comforting words and gestures that reassured me that I was in a safe space. The atmosphere was one of understanding and compassion, allowing me to share my worries and fears without judgment or reservation.

Ushijima, ever the steady presence, stood by my side, offering his silent support. He listened attentively, his unwavering gaze conveying a depth of empathy and understanding that touched my heart. In his presence, I felt a sense of security and reassurance, knowing that I was not by myself.

Wakatoshi walked me to the guest room, his steps sure and steady. As we entered the room, he gestured for me to take a seat on the bed, his voice filled with warmth and kindness.

"Please make yourself comfortable, Y/N," he said, his deep voice resonating in the room. "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask."

I offered him a small, appreciative smile, feeling a mix of gratitude and relief. "Thank you, Ushijima. Your family's kindness means a lot to me."

He nodded, his expression gentle yet determined. "We're here for you, Y/N. You're part of our family now. Take all the time you need to rest and recover."

His words touched my heart, and I felt a sense of belonging and acceptance wash over me. At that moment, the weight of my worries and struggles seemed to lighten, knowing that I had a support system that would carry me through.

As Ushijima turned to leave the room, I called out to him softly. "Ushijima, thank you for everything. I appreciate it."

He turned back to face me, his gaze steady and reassuring. "It's what we do, Y/N. We take care of each other. Rest well, and know that we're right here if you need anything."

With a nod of understanding, I watched as he left the room, closing the door gently behind him. In the quiet solitude of the guest room, I finally allowed myself to breathe deeply, to let go of the worries that had consumed me.

Surrounded by the warm embrace of Ushijima's family, I found solace and comfort. Their unwavering support provided a sense of security, allowing me to find respite in the sanctuary of their home. 

As I settled into the cozy guest room, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. With gratitude in my heart, I closed my eyes, allowing the weight of the day to melt away. In the embrace of Ushijima's family, I knew that I had found a sanctuary, a place where I could heal and find the strength to face whatever the future held.

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