*.・+★ 08 || Discovery

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As I blocked my ex's number, a sense of relief washed over me. I was tired of the constant messages and the emotional rollercoaster they brought. I needed a fresh start, free from the toxicity of that relationship.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled when someone approached me. It was Tendou, with his mischievous grin and playful demeanor. He always had a way of brightening up even the dullest of moments.

"Oh! Look whos here! Hey there, Y/N! Mind if I join you?" Tendou asked, plopping down next to me on the bench.

I smiled at him, grateful for the distraction. "Not at all, Tendou. It's good to see you."

He leaned back, resting his hands behind his head. "So, I couldn't help but notice that you were dealing with some drama just now. Is everything good? You know I love to just here these things!"

I sighed and nodded, appreciating his concern. "Yeah, it's just some ex-related drama. But I decided to block him. It's time to move on and focus on what's important."

Tendou's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Ah, the mighty power of blocking! Good for you, Y/N. You deserve better than someone who brings you down."

His words resonated with me, and I felt a renewed sense of confidence. Tendou had always been perceptive, and his ability to see through surface-level situations was admirable.

"You're right, Tendou," I replied, my voice filled with determination. "I deserve happiness and positivity in my life. And I won't let anyone hold me back from that."

Tendou grinned mischievously, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "That's the spirit! So, how about we do something fun to take your mind off things? How about a friendly competition? I bet I can beat you at arm wrestling!"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Oh, Tendou, you never back down from a challenge, do you? Alright, you're on! Let's see who's got the stronger arm."

And just like that, in that playful moment with Tendou, the weight of my past began to fade away. We engaged in a friendly arm wrestling match, laughing and cheering each other on. It was a lighthearted distraction, a reminder that life was meant to be enjoyed and that there were friends like Tendou who were always there to lift my spirits.

As Tendou and I engaged in our arm wrestling match further, our laughter filled the air. It was a lighthearted moment, a welcome distraction from the recent drama in my life. However, as the match progressed, I noticed someone approaching out of the corner of my eye. It was Semi.

Semi's expression was a mix of curiosity and concern as he observed the friendly competition between Tendou and me. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to join in or not. Sensing his presence, I paused the match and turned towards him.

"Hey, Semi! Join us," I called out, smiling warmly.

Semi's gaze shifted from Tendou to me, and I could see a hint of disappointment in his eyes. He took a moment to compose himself before replying, "Thanks, Y/N, but I think I'll pass this time."

I could sense that something was bothering him, and my heart sank a little. I had grown fond of Semi, and I didn't want any misunderstandings or hurt feelings between us.

Concerned, I walked over to Semi and motioned for him to join me away from the wrestling match. Tendou, ever the perceptive one, excused himself with a playful wave and returned to his spot on the bench.

Semi and I found a quiet spot nearby, away from prying eyes. I looked at him, trying to gauge his emotions. "Semi, is everything alright? You seem a bit off."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I saw you and Ushijima earlier, and... well, it made me realize something."

Curiosity and a hint of anxiety washed over me. "What is it, Semi? You can talk to me."

He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I've had feelings for you for a while now, Y/N. But seeing you and Ushijima together... made me question where I stand. I thought maybe there was a chance for us, but now I'm not so sure."

My heart skipped a beat as his words sank in. I hadn't expected this confession from Semi that went more in-depth, and I was taken aback by the depth of his feelings. I reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm, offering him reassurance.

"Semi, I appreciate your honesty, and I value our friendship. But right now, my focus is on healing and finding my own happiness. I need some time to figure things out for myself."

Semi nodded, his expression a mix of sadness and understanding. "I understand, Y/N. Take all the time you need. Just know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what. But for now, I do need some time to regain myself."

As Semi walked away, ignoring my attempts to reach out, a sense of disappointment washed over me. I couldn't help but feel upset and confused about his sudden departure. I watched his retreating figure, wishing he would turn back and give me a chance to explain myself.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, Tendou approached me with his usual playful demeanor. He had a mischievous grin on his face, ready to make light of the situation. "Well, well, Y/N, what's got you all worked up? Did Semi finally realize he can't beat me in arm wrestling?"

I forced a smile, appreciating Tendou's attempt to lighten the mood. But deep down, I knew I needed someone to confide in. Someone who would listen without judgment. I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before opening up to Tendou.

"It's not about arm wrestling, Tendou," I began, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "It's about Semi. I think he has feelings for me, but seeing me with Ushijima earlier made him question everything."

Tendou's playful expression faded, replaced by genuine concern. He sat down next to me, his eyes filled with understanding. "Ah, love can be a complicated game, can't it? What happened between you and Ushijima?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to share. But Tendou's presence felt comforting, and I knew I could trust him with my thoughts and emotions. So, I recounted the encounter with Ushijima from everytime hes been there.

Tendou listened attentively, his playful facade giving way to a more serious demeanor. "Y/N, matters of the heart are never easy to navigate. It's natural to feel confused when faced with conflicting emotions and the unexpected attention of others."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "But remember, you deserve someone who appreciates you for who you are, someone who supports you in your dreams and makes you feel truly happy. Don't settle for anything less."

I nodded, grateful for Tendou's genuine advice. His words resonated with me, offering a sense of clarity amidst the emotional turmoil. "Thank you, Tendou. I needed to hear that. I don't want to lead anyone on or make hasty decisions based on fleeting emotions. I need to take the time to understand my own heart before getting involved with anyone."

Tendou placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Exactly, Y/N. Take your time, focus on yourself, and let your heart guide you."

He stopped, then went back into his original state. "Y/N~! Remember we still have that thing later with You, Ushiwaka, Ayumi, and me! You better be good by the time!"

I laughed, loving how he could bring people's hearts back to the surface. "I got you, I couldn't miss a moment like that, especially between you and Ayumi."

"She's a different girl that's for sure. ESPECIALLY because she doesn't like chocolate?!? Who doesn't?!?"

We exchanged laughs for a good hour, learning more about each other. This made me realize what a good friend Wakatoshi had.


As I stood in front of my closet, my brows furrowed in frustration. Ayumi was already dressed in a stunning outfit, radiating confidence and style. Meanwhile, I was struggling to decide what to wear for our plans later with Ushijima and Tendou.

"Come on, Y/N, you can do better than that," Ayumi teased, pointing at my latest choice—a simple t-shirt and jeans ensemble. "We're going out to have fun, not to blend into the background."

I pouted, slightly annoyed but also amused by Ayumi's playful criticism. "Hey, I thought simplicity was chic. But I guess I'll take your word for it."

Ayumi smirked and crossed her arms, giving me an exaggeratedly serious look. "Oh, absolutely. Simplicity is chic, but we're talking about making a statement tonight. Trust me, I've got just the thing for you."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Alright, fashion expert, show me what you've got."

Ayumi rummaged through my closet like a professional stylist on a mission. She pulled out a colorful dress that I had completely forgotten about. It had a unique pattern and a flattering silhouette, but I hesitated.

"You sure this is a good idea?" I questioned, holding the dress up against me. "It seems a bit... bold."

Ayumi waved her hand dismissively. "Bold is what we're going for, Y/N! You'll turn heads in this. Plus, the vibrant colors suit your personality perfectly."

I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. Ayumi always knew how to push me out of my comfort zone and bring out my confidence. She had an eye for fashion and a knack for making me feel fabulous.

"Well, if you say so," I conceded, slipping into the dress. It hugged my curves in all the right places and made me feel like a walking work of art. "What do you think?"

Ayumi's eyes lit up with approval as she clapped her hands together. "Yes, Y/N! That's the spirit. You look absolutely stunning. Ushijima won't know what hit him!"

A hit came right towards me as I forgot we were seeing him. I just didn't retaliate to that and let that step aside for now.

We both burst into laughter at her remark, feeling giddy with excitement for the evening ahead. With Ayumi's guidance and support, I knew I had found the perfect outfit—one that not only reflected my personal style but also allowed me to step out of my comfort zone.

As we finished getting ready, I admired Ayumi's impeccable sense of fashion. She had a talent for pulling together the most fashionable ensembles effortlessly. I couldn't have asked for a better friend to guide me through the intricacies of style.

Together, Ayumi and I headed out, ready to meet Ushijima and Tendou. As we walked side by side, our laughter filling the air, I felt a surge of confidence and excitement. With Ayumi by my side, I knew the night would be filled with unforgettable memories and stylish adventures.


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