Cat-Tower || YakuLev // Fluff

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pls help
I can't stop writing fluff


Lev toppled over, collapsing on the gym floor with an exaggerated groan. Yaku glanced over at him and rolled his eyes. “Get up, Lev. We need to work on your receives still.”

“But I'm tired! C'mon, Yaku-san, can't you gimme a break?” Lev whined. Yaku growled, storming over and grabbing Lev's collar. “C'mon! You'll never make it if you get tired so easy!”

“Noo! I want a breakk!” Lev insisted. From across the gym, Kuroo called, “give him a break, Yaku. It's not gonna kill him, or you, to rest a little. Remember, he's still a middle blocker, and he needs to focus on that, too.”

Yaku paused, and Lev bounded gratefully toward the captain. Kuroo laughed quietly as Lev hugged him, and he hugged him back. “Thank you, Kuroo!” Lev smiled. Kuroo smiled back. “No problem, Lev. Resting is just as important as practice.” He replied, with a small glare at Yaku.

Yaku rolled his eyes. Lev let go of Kuroo and returned to the libero, a big smile on his face. Kuroo turned away and called to Kenma and Yamamoto for spiking and blocking training.

Lev sat down to watch them, leaning forward as he watched Yamamoto toss the ball up, then run forward. Kenma set the ball up for him, and Yamamoto put all his strength into spiking it. Or attempting to. Kuroo's arms hung over him like an umbrella, and the ball bounced off his arms and onto the duo's side.

Yamamoto growled, and Kuroo grinned. “Don't get so worked up over this,” Kenma muttered. “It's only practice.”

“I can't be the ace if I get blocked!” Yamamoto argued. “You're our ace regardless. Plus, Kuro's been doing this since grade school, so there's nothing you can do.” Kenma answered calmly.

As the pair bickered on, Lev felt a sudden weight on his shoulders. He looked up and saw Yaku had climbed on top of him. Lev blushed. “Yaku-san..? What are you doing?”

“Shut up. You're a cat tower now. That's your punishment.” Yaku replied, watching his teammates continue to bicker. “Punishment for what?!” Lev asked in a sudden panic.

“Being tall.”

Lev jumped as he heard Fukunaga's voice. He looked over at his teammate. “Why am I being punished for being tall?!” Lev cried. “I can't help that!”

“Relax, he doesn't mean it in a bad way. it's just his way to get back at you for being so much taller than him.” Fukunaga laughed quietly. Lev huffed. “Why cat tower though?” He asked.

“We're the cats,” Inuoka piped up. “So you're a cat tower.”

Lev sighed, reluctantly holding onto Yaku's legs to ensure he didn't fall. “I'll accept that, then.” He smiled. Yaku-san is so cute like this.. he's not even that heavy..

He blinked, then shook his head slightly. I wish I could have him.. he frowned. Though, he quickly cheered himself up with the thought that that could happen one day.

Then, Yaku leaned down and whispered to Lev, “This has nothing to do with punishment. I just can't do this to anyone else. I also don't want to, because I can't trust them not to drop me.”

“You trust me?” Lev whispered back, blinking. “I guess. You mean more to me than you think, dummy.” Yaku flicked Lev's forehead gently. Lev smiled. “That makes me happy,” he whispered, his eyes following Yaku's hands. Yaku scoffed and rested on Lev's head. Lev decided he wouldn't move until Yaku did, so he didn't break the libero's trust. Yaku noticed it, and decided he didn't want to move for a while either.

So while their teammates bickered, practiced, and bickered some more, Lev and Yaku sat there, simply watching in comfortable silence.


slightly longer bcs I had more ideas for this one

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