Satisfied at his pain.

When the bottles were finally empty, he dropped them and grabbed his gun. Turning back around, he stoops once more over his body.

"Not sure if my game was as fun as yours....... But Atleast I won" he smirked before standing and pointing his gun at D'mani's head. Ares ignored his hoarse pleas for mercy.

"Don't bother beggin. Even if you ain scream I was gon shoot you dead. Call me a sore loser" He said before pulling the trigger.

He hissed his teeth as he saw blood and brain matter scatter and looked down annoyed.

Though a lot of blood didn't splash back on his face because of his height, he wasn't so sure about his pants and shoes.

Lucky he was wearing black.

Pulling out his burner, he called Dante.

"Yo Ru. Wassup?" He heard.

Ares got right to it.

"I got suhm that needs clean up. Class A so get a good cleaner crew." He said.

"Class A? Mind tellin me what got you doin that level of dirt. Ran into a opp or suhm? Business?" Dante asked, already sending a text for cleaner crew.

Ares hissed his teeth.

"Nah. Personal shit. But had to be done. You know I ain been trigger happy or messy since I been clean. This shit I had to deal wit" Ares answered. Dante hummed.

"Aiite I gotchyu. Drop the location ima send em in 15" Dante told him. Ares does just that and they hang up.


Ares hopped out of his car, shutting the door behind him as he made his way up to the house. As he entered, he knew the first thing he wanted to do was take a shower, knowing he still had blood on him amongst other things. But he pauses as he sees shoes and clothes laying on the floor leading to the bathroom.

Letting out a sigh, he says nothing but instead grabs them and heads for the washroom where he threw them in with some detergent and fabric softener. Letting that wash, he put her shoes on the shoe rack in the storage closet before exiting and going to take his shower.

Assiana knew she was half awake as she laid on the living room couch, the sound of the tv playing in the background as she reveled in the effects of the pill she'd taken not too long ago. Although it hadn't completely hit yet, she knew it was only a matter of time as her body buzzed.

She thought she heard the front door open in the midst of her being zoned out but she wasn't certain, and as such just waited till Ares found her, if he was in fact back. She opened her eyes slightly and they flickered over to the t.v. That played American dad.

"What should I do here.....?"

"Well whatever you do don't blow him, he just keeps coming back for more" Roger says to snot. She giggles and continues watching.

Ares dries his hair as he looks at his phone. He'd just gotten off of a call with Dante saying things were sorted and he was satisfied with that. D'mani also had some affiliation to a gang across the state but things were discussed then pushed aside seeing as the incident  wasn't gang related. They were also a smaller and less organized group so they didn't have much to fight Dante on when he contacted them.

He texted Felix and Quay to let them know he had to dip for some business but he had a great night, thanks to them and their efforts. He actually did enjoy his birthday and appreciated that they showed up for him especially in his time of need. They really did help to distract him from thinking about anything that had to do with his relationships.

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