"yayyy go grab my ipad for me so I can go buy this stuff." she said removing her legs from him.

"uhhhhhh." he groaned getting up to do as she said.

she smiled watching him walk towards the bedroom.

she was happy that ny didn't have some kinda nasty ass attitude or anything negatively bad about him. of course she hasn't known him for long but from what she's seen he really is a stand up guy who has a kind soul and sweet heart.

he came back with the ipad handing it to her. "can I buy— no." she said putting her hand up stopping him right in his tracks. she wondered what you call a man who buys or pays for everything.


"just one thing ma lemme get you a macbook that's all and a second phone then I won't but nothing else." he pleaded, she side eyed him so bad.

"boy what I need a second phone for." she laughed making him shrug.

"when you get lit people gonna hit you for business inquiries you wanna give them niggas yo personal? cause me I run a business and I got three phones personal, my clients, then a trap for legal reasons." he said making her nod.

"what do you do to make the income you got, im tryna tap in." she joked but he straight faced her.

"naa ma youne want this lifestyle at all." he said making her nod, even though she was joking she noticed how serious he got.

"I remember when I was a jhit I used to think about posting on instagram a lot finding me a nice rapper through ig getting into a semi public relationship use his ass for clout create a dramatic breakup scenario then use my clout from him and create my own self revolving business with my remaining clout." she said making him shake his head.

"a lot of girls have actually done that and ended up pretty successful. that's what my lil sister did at least." he laughed making her smile.

"you have a sister?" she said now more intrigued in there convo. she loved when she could learn more things about ny because in her eyes he was amazing person that she wanted to know everything about.

yeah i'm actually the oldest out of 3, I have a little sister whom I just mentioned her name is Mahogany and a little brother his name is Nysier." he said and she smiled.

"you got any siblings ma?" he said and she shook her no.

"naaa i'm an only child." she said huffing a bit. she always wanted to have some kind of sibling but she never got one and she can't do anything about that.

"damn I wanna say you lucky but having siblings is a blessing not gon lie. those lil niggas literally drove me at a point in time. if it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't be the man I am today." he shook his head not wanting to even think about how he could have turned out.

he knew his past was a crazy ride and he knew that his siblings where the only reason he attempted to survive in this cold ass world.

"wait I know you said once that your mother and father split so that means your sister is an only girl?" she said and he nodded.

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