Chapter Fifteen: Last Night's Mistake

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"Care to dance?"

Music swelled in a crescendo around her, filling her with warmth, only to die to a faint whisper moments later. People buzzed and talked all around her as they swirled around each other in a dance, but it felt as if she was completely underwater. Everything sounded too far away. Even the lights had an odd shimmer to them, as if everything was fake.

Yet she could clearly make out the figure standing in front of her; it was Cedric. He looked the nicest Oriane had ever seen him with every strand of his hair perfectly in place, and dark dress robes covering his body. It wasn't until then that she realized she too was dressed for the occasion; whatever occasion it was, anyway. A long, flowing dress with colors that kept shifting every time she looked at it.

Cedric stood in front of her with his hand outstretched, and she realized she hadn't answered his question. He didn't seem impatient, though. Maybe she wasn't thinking for as long as she thought she had, or maybe he was and he didn't care.

She didn't say anything as she put her hand in his, and the moment they touched it was as if Cedric was brought to life; some motionless statue that had gained motor movement after being dormant for centuries. She didn't feel anything as they fell into the classic ballroom dance, his hand on her waist, her hand on his shoulder; just the fabric of her dress swaying and a terrible, overwhelming floral scent.

About halfway through their dance, Oriane suddenly realized that the music had ceased. It stopped a long time ago. There was no sound, no chatter of people around them, or the warm sound of string instruments. There was only the sound of their feet hitting the stone floor.

"Where'd the music go?" she asked. But it felt as if her voice was delayed, like her lips had closed long before her voice began to move.

And Cedric didn't answer her. In fact, he wasn't even looking at her. His eyes seemed glazed over, staring off impossibly far into the distance. His statue-like self had gone from unmoving, to only doing the same movements, over and over again.

They spun faster and faster in a circle, and Oriane found herself gripping Cedric's shoulder for dear life. It was as if she was apparating, her body twisting and contorting terribly fast as she unwillingly moved.

Cedric slipped right through her fingers, and she found herself falling backwards. Oriane braced her body for the harsh impact of the stone floor below her, but instead she found herself falling into something softer, and much colder. Everything around her was suddenly dark, and the air felt humid.

Once more she found herself back in a maze, one with tall, towering hedges and a bright, starry sky above it all. Picking up the skirt of her dress, Oriane stood to her feet and began to walk. She didn't know where she was going, but all her movements were automatic. Suddenly she was the statue, the robot, the one that was stuck doing the same movements over and over.

But it was always the same. Try her best. Run through the maze and hedges as if she had done it a million times before. But just as she was about to get to the end-

She woke up.

It was Sunday morning and Oriane's head was still pounding from the previous night. Whether it was from stress, or the terrible nights sleep she had just gotten, she couldn't be certain. But it wasn't like it mattered.

Sitting up in bed, Oriane looked around the room. Everyone else already seemed to be awake for the most part. Charlotte sat in her bed, scribbling away at something in her sketchbook, and Calista laid on her side, getting Milo to attack her hand through her blanket. Somehow, the little ball of fluff had managed to grow a bit bigger over their last month at Hogwarts.

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