Chapter Eight: A Dangerous Game

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 The rain came the day after the World Cup and it relentlessly pounded against the windows of The Burrow for the next few days. Oriane had fallen into a coma of sorts for their first day back, and she slept through the entire day and night. By the next morning, she was up and acting like her usual self; a young girl excited for the upcoming school year. It was as if nothing had happened at all.

She spent a majority of her time inside with everyone else, as no one particularly fancied getting soaked from the storm. Her careful eyes would watch as Bill and Ron played against one another in a game of chess, or as Hermione talked about something interesting in one of their school textbooks. Charlie even indulged her in almost everything he knew about dragons, a topic she quickly learned was difficult to get him to stop talking about once he got started.

Mr. Weasley, along with his son Percy, didn't seem to have as much of a relaxing time as the others. News got around quickly about the 'masked intruders' that ruined the Quidditch World Cup, and many people were highly upset with the Ministry for a lack of security. Though Oriane could understand how upset they were, it was pitiful to see that Mr. Weasley had to bear the brunt of their insults.

As for Oriane herself, she remained a floater. All she did was watch and listen as the others enjoyed the remainder of their summer break. Not that she minded. It gave her time to think. It gave her time to heal.

Come the morning of the first of September, Oriane found herself shoved into one of four Muggle taxis. According to Mrs. Weasley, their original plan was to get cars from the Ministry, but with all the commotion going on, there wasn't any to spare to transport a handful of children. So, she found herself squished into one of the taxis with Ginny and Charlie where their trunks awkwardly shuttered in the back for the whole journey there.

The rain didn't let up, even in London. In fact, it was almost worse. By the time they had even gotten their hands on their luggage, they were completely soaked in the downpour. As soon as they were able to, everyone quickly rushed across the busy street and took cover inside King's Cross Station.

It felt odd being in the station without Esme. Really, it had felt like an eternity since she had seen her last. Oriane couldn't even recall their last conversation. She had been so tired, and everything had blurred together... All she could remember was that one moment she was walking to watch the World Cup with Cedric and his father, and the next she was suddenly walking through the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

Dark soot spewed out of the bright scarlet engine of the Hogwarts Express, and a familiar buzz shook the air. Countless parents and students crowded the platform where they swarmed the train like hungry ants. Owl's hooted as they were perched in their cages, and Oriane could even make the distinct sound of a toddler laughing as it chased after a cat nearby.

"I might be seeing you all sooner than you think," Charlie said with a grin as he gave Ginny a hug.

"Why?" asked Fred with narrow eyes.

"I sort of wish I was back at Hogwarts this year," Bill interjected, eyes stuck to the train. "I might even get time off to come and watch a bit of it."

"A bit of what?" Ron asked, impatient.

Before either of the boys could answer them (though, Oriane was sure that they weren't going to, anyway) the first warning whistle blew. The children only had minutes to spare before the train would depart. Oriane turned her attention towards the train as everyone began to shuffle behind Mrs. Weasley. Yet as they neared the train carts, something in the distance caught her attention.

Two girls stood by a cart a few segments down from them. One had very short, platinum blonde hair, and the other had a mess of fiery curls; Charlotte and Emerald. Emerald was on the tips of her toes, nearly jumping up and down as she shouted Oriane's name and waved her down.

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