Chapter Two: The Last of Her Kind

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Never before had Oriane seen so many people sitting at their small, birch table in her life. Normally it had just been her and Esme, and Remus on occasion, but the day Sirius Black joined them was the first time that table had felt crowded.

Their set up was... uncomfortable, to say the least. Esme refused to sit directly next to Sirius, but that put them in the equally awkward position of sitting across from one another. And so Oriane and Remus were their buffers, separating the once lovers from any form of cruel interaction. Though, the two looked less than thrilled to be caught in the crossfire.

"So," Remus spoke up, leaning forward on the table, "shall we begin?"

Oriane, who sat right across from him, couldn't help but lean forward as well. She wanted to do anything within her power to attempt to make things less uncomfortable. "Of course."

"Alright then. Well, as we all know, one of the main reasons Esme sent you to Hogwarts last year was to protect you from Sirius, and because I was there as a professor. Obviously things have changed since then. Sirius has been proven innocent," he enunciated the word innocent while glancing at Esme, "and I am no longer a professor at Hogwarts.

"Normally this wouldn't be an issue, as any threat to you and Harry would be gone for the most part, however there is one complication. At the end of last year you mentioned you had visions in front of Peter Pettigrew just before he escaped."

A sigh escaped the young girl as she lowered her head. "Yeah, I'm still kicking myself for that one," she muttered to herself.

"I had the pleasure of speaking with Professor Dumbledore not too long ago, and I learned some information about this upcoming school year that may be beneficial to us," Remus continued. "Firstly, it sounds like security is going to be tighter around the school this year. After Peter's long going espionage act, and the Ministry's failure with the dementors, other more magical and practical security elements will be in place. What they are, I can't say, but I can only imagine it'll be extremely difficult for anyone on the outside to get in if they're not welcome.

"Secondly, and perhaps most important, they had to replace the Defense Against the Dark Arts position for another year in a row now. They've hired Alastor Moody for the job."

"Alastor Moody?" Esme repeated. "As in, Mad-Eye Moody?"

Confused, Oriane looked between the three adults around her. "Who's that?"

"He's an Auror, and a good one at that. Surprised the old bat is still alive, though," Sirius chuckled. "He's an amazing man, and he helped fight in the war against Voldemort. Though, he can be a bit peculiar at times, and maybe a bit-"

"Mad?" Esme interrupted.

Sirius shrugged. "I was going to say paranoid. The man only ever drinks from his personal flask, and eats only the meals he prepares for himself. Absolutely terrified that someone will attempt to poison him."

"Yes, well, despite his quirks I trust he'll make an excellent teacher," Remus assured. "He's been fighting dark wizards for longer than most people have been alive. I recommend taking great care to pay attention in his class, especially as times grow more uncertain. The things he teaches you may just save your life one day."

"Don't take everything he says to heart, though," Esme advised. "He'll make you just as much of a lunatic as he is."

Oriane's head was beginning to spin with all the conflicting messages being thrown her way. It was obvious Remus was trying his best to remain a mediator in the conversation, yet there was still too much tension between Esme and Sirius for her liking.

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