"Untitled" -OC/OC mini-fic

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(This is a little bit of world building for a personal project. Enjoy!)

Robyn checked the time on her phone. 11:35 am, lunch hour just started. The time on the note in her locker had passed. She had been waiting behind the school for someone for 10 minutes now and began to assume that she had been set up. Robyn begins to turn and walk away as she hears footsteps behind her. She watches as someone turns the corner and finds herself looking into the hazel eyes of her friend James.

James stares, a thin veil of disbelief across his features. "Robyn, you came." Robyn opened her mouth to respond but before she could, James crossed the space between them and swept her into a kiss. It was a bliss that Robyn had never known she wanted. James' lips were soft and warm, pressing against hers with a hungry pressure.

"Jamie," she gasped, pulling away briefly to breathe. It had not hit her that she had used the nickname she reserved for him in her mind. He hummed low in his throat in response and leaned down, pressing his lips against Robyn's once more. This time, her response was almost instinctual. Robyn reached up her hands and twined them together at the nape of James' neck. She arched her back, pressing her body closer to James.

James was the one to break the second kiss, moving to trail gentler, feather-light kisses along Robyn's jawline and down her neck. She moved her hands up to tangle in the silky hair at the base of James' neck. Once more, she gasped out his nickname as he lightly nipped at a spot on her neck with his teeth.

He had stopped kissing her when he reached the collar of her shirt, instead, he leaned his head on her shoulder. "My Robyn, my birdie." Robyn was stunned. There she stood behind the school, embraced by her best love. All at once, a feeling of wrongness hit her, leaving her feeling like a bird that had flown into a window.

"I shouldn't want this." She whispers under her breath. James lifts his head and meets her gaze, questioning coloring his eyes. "Jayla, she's your ex and my best friend. I shouldn't..." Robyn lets the last half of her sentence go unfinished, sighing and hanging her head instead.

"Birdie, Love," James slides his hand under Robyn's chin and lifts her head. "Birdie, look at me. Jayla doesn't matter to me, and she shouldn't to you either. If she'd be mad that we're together then she's not actually a good friend."

"But she's your ex, and she's better than me in every way. How can I compare?"

"Robyn, Birdie, you will always be good enough. You are more than enough." Coming from anyone else, Robyn would have scoffed at the pronouncement. Coming from James however, it felt true. Standing behind the school, encircled by his arms, basking in his affection, she felt whole.

Robyn looked up at James, intending to meet his eyes but found them closed contently. Realizing that she had an advantage, she began to trail angel kisses up his neck and across his jawline. She watched as his eyes flickered open and their color deepened with affection and something more. Smiling, she kissed him on the lips once more before settling her head in the crook of James' neck. Robyn smiled and whispered, "You're a bad influence on me, James."

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