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I sat down with my in laws. It was gonna be a long talk.

Callum sat down next to me. He handed me a drink.

"Okay. So you all know marissa right?" I asked.

"Your ex? Dude if you cheated on Vanessa..." Sam said.

"No. We never dated, and no. I wouldn't cheat." I said. "Umm. No she texted me last night though. I had posted a picture of Dominick and Ness. And she was going on a tangent and it got to where she talked about Vanessa's overdose."

All the boys hesitated.

"We don't really talk about it."

"What happened?"

"My dad sent her to a psych ward. She should've gone to rehab and therapy. It's something that she doesn't talk about either. My parents would always talk about how she changed. It wasn't out of the blue. It was from that." Cal said. 

I sighed. "She...she broke down after I let her read the texts. I mean Marissa accused her of more than just drugs."

"Because it's real. She was fucked in the head and that led her to more and more things."

"Why wouldn't she say anything?"

"Those three months caused her entire life to flip. You can ask her about her time there, but she has so much trauma that she can't remember much."

I sighed. "She's gonna start going to therapy."

Callum sighed. "You're doing all that you can. I need you to know that I've never seen her emotions out more until she married you. And even if it doesn't seem it, it's a good thing. She trusts you with everything she has."

I nodded. I looked outside for a second.

"I just don't want her to get hurt. I didn't wanna make her more nervous, but marissa threatened to kill her and take Dominick and I for herself. I mean she's gotta be fucking obsessed to go after my wife and kid."

Josh shook his head. "She seems like the crazy bitch to do it."

I sighed. "I just need to keep them safe. And with that, I need to take a few days off."

"Do it. No doubt in my mind, go. Take your wife home and just relax." Callum said. I nodded.

I looked at the boys and sighed. "God this stresses me out more than my job."

"That's kinda good. I mean it's your wife and kid for gods sakes."

I smiled. "Yeah."

"Go." Callum said. I got up and went upstairs to get Vanessa. She was still fast asleep.

I smiled and unbuttoned my suit before sitting on her side of the bed. She shifted from the change in the bed. I moved down to kiss her cheek.

She groaned. I kissed her neck. Her skin was so soft.

She let out a small sigh and wrapped her arms around me in a lazy fashion. I pecked her lips before looking at her. She lazily smiled.

"Let's go home." I said. I got up and helped her out of bed.

She smirked and looked up at me. I rubbed her cheek.

"We're gonna take a couple days off. Just be with Dom."

She nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

"You slept with your contacts in." I said.


Deal With the Devil: A Lloyd Hansen StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon