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F/s is favorite scent.

"C'mon, April. There are dozens of other reporters interviewing on this case, you'll just be reporting the same statements over again," YN said, patting her friend's shoulder.

"I understand that, but I just want to be able to do something big! I'm sick of going after the little reports. And if there is anything Mr. Rivetti missed while talking to the police, I want my hands on that information," the woman says.

"Trust me, April, I know, but, as Vern said, stick with what you're good at. I'll see you later, I have to go to work. Talk to me later if you get anything."

Today had been a long day at work. Answering phone calls, delivering orders, it was draining. My hair(if applicable) was a mess and I smell like pizza now, no longer the regular f/s I usually do.

I had gotten home and saw April talking to our other roommate. "Oh, good, YN, you're here, I've gotta talk to you," she grabs my arm and drags me into her room.

"You're not gonna believe what I just went through tonight. I am freaking out. I saw a Foot Clan attack. I was riding my bike by the docks it was dark already and there are Foot Clan soldiers EVERYWHERE. Then out of nowhere, there was this guy fighting back against them! And he... he left behind this symbol," she says, showing me her phone.

"And I know that I've seen this before. I can't remember how, where, or when, but I know it. All I know is, there is a vigilante roaming the streets of this city that is fighting back against the Foot and no one knows. But ME! I know! And I have my proof, I have my story! There is no froth or foam for me!"

"April, are you feeling okay? Have you eaten?" She groans and drags her hands down her face. "April, listen to me, don't beat yourself up over this. You're getting overwhelmed. Just calm down, okay? I don't want you getting involved any more than you have to, I don't want to see you get hurt or worse, dead."

"YN, you're such a worry-wart. I'm fine, I'm just getting my story! Now go shower, you smell like a meatball sandwich." I laugh at her and do just that.
Word Count: 619
Updated/ 5/27/24

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