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Dylan POV

My alarm rings and it's 6:00am. Fucking hell I just wish I had a day where I have no school and work. But I'm used to waking up everyday so I can go train in the gym that my dad built for all of us downstairs in the basement. You know what today I'm not going to work out I did 2 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening yesterday, that covers up for today then. Until our housekeeper Gina knocks on the door, I actually don't like calling her my housekeeper because she's honestly like a second mum. That women raised me whenever both my parents weren't home. Then we have our butler Bobby but we call him B or Bob. I wonder that maybe, if we didn't live in a big fucking mansion then we wouldn't need people to give us extra help. I found it annoying when my dad hired Bobby, he's been working for our family for about 7 years. My pops hired the man to clean and tidy the house and manage everything, when we already have G to be with us. I honestly hate the idea of having a butler, as I wouldn't want someone going through my personal stuff and Bobby knew better to not even enter my room or fuck around with my crap. I liked my privacy and the thought of someone going through my stuff...Yh no thanks.

My mum was never a big fan of any of the housekeeper and butlers. Especially B, I mean she also took a while to warm up to G but, Gina was more like a nanny to be fair so my mum warmed up to her because she took care of me and my sister. My mum was your typical housewife I guess, but she did work and she did have a career apparently, she was a doctor but like in the mafia, but she left it after she had me and my sister. When dad hired Bob she didn't like it at all because she didn't want anyone and I mean anyone in the kitchen. So B was only allowed him when she said it was okay for him to do so, along with all the other people who worked for our family. My dad even built a guest house for Bob and Gina with everything that they would both need in an actual house. They can stay over whenever they like or go home.

Mum slowly started to warm up to Bob and now allows him to cook in the kitchen if she's busy or out. She even allows him to help and if he does it then she'll help him. Oh well I just need my food. But since mum left her career she still does do her job but she doesn't like to tell my pops. Like she has a friend who own a hospital and my mum has specialised in surgeries I don't know which but I've witnessed once when we were having lunch and she got called and she rapidly left.

"Dylan?" G says. She is the only person I will allow to call me by my name because she's like a mum to me.

"Yeahh," I said while my face was stuffed onto the pillow dreading to even get up.

"Good morning Dylan, Mr shah wanted me to tell you from last night that you don't need to go for your rounds today."

"Okay thanks G." I could hear her walk away from my closed door. Damn it's so early but I can't go back to sleep. I'm a light sleeper if I hear something I'll wake up, for me to sleep properly is just rare unless the sleep deprivation really hits me. I get up, go into my bathroom and brush my teeth. I go downstairs and the house is warm because the radiators are on and it's silent. I look at the clock and it 6:30. My dad is gonna be up soon and my mum just sleeps in unless she has to. I also have to get out of the house by 7:30am to pick up Ariya. God just thinking about her makes me feel weirdly amazing inside.

I wanted to text her last night but then I went to go do a training session and then I had to do something for pops and I came back really late so then it was really late to text her. I go into the kitchen and I just put toast into the toaster and fill a glass of orange juice. Once the bread is done I apply butter and go to the living room and put the food on the table and jump on the couch. I do it all the time and mum gets pissed but she's not here. I turn the TV on and go to Netflix and start scrolling through things to watch. There is nothing to watch on Netflix I've probably see everything but then I see 'the office ' yeah that was a good comedian show to watch, actually kyee and my sis made me like it because they would watch it all the time and sometimes I'd join them. I put that on and start eating my toast. I watch the show and laugh at the most stupid scenes until Bob comes in the living room and sees me.

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