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Ariya's POV

"HE WHAT!!!" Tanya screamed on the phone.

I swear to god she's gonna break my ears one day.

"Are Bhagwan (oh God) shush, everytime I explain something, you always cut me off," I rolled my eyes.

"I know but like ahhh, do you think he likes you," she smirked.

"Pftt are you pagal (crazy) in the head, why would he like me" I said.

"No no don't you dare go there you are pretty, you have that body and let's not forget you have a ass that I want" I rolled my eyes because she's not wrong I have curves and I'm skinny, but there not that defined as her but I do have an ass which T gets jealous of. "And you have some fucking gorgeous hazel eyes Ari, how can you not be pretty," I started laughing because she looked like she was so done with me.

"I actually don't know Tan like a part of me is like what the fuck and a part of me is like scared you know because it's not me, I just don't think I can ever open myself up fully..I'm just not there yet".

"Babes listen to me, this is something that came out of the blue you are beautiful and mesmerising okay, you've been through something that hit you deep. But what you don't realise is that you didn't actually fully shut yourself down girl.. did you now? You think that life for you is deterring it's not girl it's starting and let me tell you, auntie is really happy for you," she said in the most gentle tone.

I had tears welling up in my eyes because she's really someone I'm so thankful for and she also made me think about my mum aswell . "Yh it was a hard process, I actually never thought I would stay and let him talk with me because I would never do that, and I'm thankful that you were there to bring me up, but by bit," I chuckled slightly.

"Yup that's what I'm here for," she smiled. I rolled my eyes. The girl never fails to feel so happy when she's right.

I hear a knock on my door and I looked up and saw my dad walking in.

"Beta, come dinner ready che" dad said.

"Alright I'm coming dad, I'll see you tomorrow T I gotta go".

"Yh I should to. Hey jay uncle," Tanya said.

"Hi beta, Kem che? (how are you?) How was the first day back?"

"Ehh what's new it never gets better," she said and me and my dad chucked a bit.

"You better start loving it kid cause it's not gonna be easy after, anyways I'm going".

"Alright bye T see you tomorrow" I said.

"Bye girl see ya" Tanya said and I hanged up and made my way down.

I walk down and see my dad laying two plates out and I smelt the Indian food. Oh my god my dad made the best Indian food. Even my mum did I mean my dad actually learnt quite a bit from my mum which is funny but I make it better. My mum taught me all the dishes of food that I needed to know and wrote down all the ingredients for all the recipes for when I grow up. She even taught me some Italian food too as my dad liked it but he never paid attention. I smiled every time I remember her telling dad to concentrate but he couldn't be asked and he left the kitchen. But it made me upset because I would rather have her be here and make it for all of us. I actually didn't cook until like last year when my mum left I didn't talk to anyone and I didn't even look at her recipes then one day I was at home and I made one of my mums recipes that happened to be my dads favourite so when I tell you he was on the verge to break down I felt so much sympathy for him because he missed her a lot.

The Missing Piece Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon