S2: Two Years Later... {Ashley🍋}

Start from the beginning

"Your cleared for landing," The batarian replied. "Head to Docking Bay 37-A, Krato will be waiting for the drop-off. Welcome back to Omega, Marauder."

Once comms was cut, I flew the Marauder towards Omega while maneuvering through the bustling criminal world that was Omega until coming to Docking Bay 37-A where a shore party was waiting. After being hailed down, and landing finally, we all exited the Marauder followed by the carbonite prisons of Kragan and Gharen. From there the four of us met with Krato, who surprising to most people, was actually one of very, very few batarians I tolerated, business-wise anyways.

"Voridus..." Krato greeted me as we both shook hands. "Welcome back to Omega. I can see both Kragan and Gharen have been delivered. Aria will be pleased."

"I'm here to make do with the "payment," as she requested," I replied to Krato. "I can assume she'll want to speak to me?"

"Yes, this way," Krato replied as we followed him through the hangar corridor and into the main bustling section of Omega, mainly on route to Afterlife, the main, or only bar, on Omega and Aria's main place she could be found. "Any problems besides the "payment?""

"Besides the possible raid on Omega that could've happened if we left Balak and the rest to their devices." I replied in a whisper that Krato could hear which earned an annoyed growl from him.

"Aria isn't going to like this..." Krato replied. Continuing on through Afterlife, after walking past a line with an elcor bouncer dealing with a rather annoyed patron waiting access. Once inside, Afterlife was still the same as it always was, even with the many exotic asari dancers sending flirty winks and poses my way. I sensed 'Soka was none too pleased with the advances. Ignoring the advances, Krato lead us to Aria who was sitting on the same loveseat she always sits in. "Lady Aria, Voridus and his squad are here."

"Ah, Voridus... It's always a pleasure to see you again," Aria greets me, like she normally does, before looking at 'Soka. "Tano, been some time."

"One way of putting it." 'Soka replied until Aria gave 'Soka and I her gesture to sit on the loveseat while both Rex and Blisk stood by. BD, however, hops from my shoulder and lands by Aria who, surprised everyone many times before, pets his head.

"I hear you brought me some special "gifts," Voridus," Aria spoke while accepting the "gifts" I sent her. "You have my thanks. Anything else?"

"Well..." I replied and hand Aria a datapad with information on the planned raid on Omega. "If we left Balak and his men alone, they would've raided Omega in attempts to overthrow you, Aria."

"Fucking Balak..." Aria curses while tossing the datapad to one of her turian guards. "At least they won't be a problem any longer."

"That's very true, Aria," I agreed. "So, any latest gossip, Aria?"

"Hmm... a section of Omega is under quarantine. A plague took over the entire section, very deadly to anything that isn't human, or vorcha," Aria replied. "Archangel's at it again, but this time, he's managed to piss off the Blue Suns, Eclipse, AND Blood Pack enough for them to work together to take him down."

"Fucking hell, Garrus..." I thought to myself. "You really made a name for yourself here."

"That's surprising," 'Soka replied to the gossip from Aria. "I never thought those three would actually work together for a single goal."

"It is a fucking accomplishment for Archangel," Aria says back. "From what everyone's been talking, they've set up a recruiting station nearby, hiring freelancers. Looking to join them?"

"Unfortunately, no, we're not, Aria," I replied while getting up with 'Soka following and BD hopping back onto my shoulder. "Until next time, Aria."

Aria simply nods as the four of us walk out from the nightclub and made our way towards the Omega Markets, mainly taking the lower levels until we spotted a quarian, a long way from the Flotilla. Walking towards the counter, the quarian noticed us coming.

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