S1: [Citadel] Revisiting the Citadel

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(A/N): (0:00-1:26)

(A/N): (0:00-1:26)

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Dr. Liara T'Soni, Prothean Scientist and daughter of Matriarch Benezia, saved by Commander Jane Shepard and Jedi Knight (Y/N) Voridus from the Geth forces and from Saren's grasp. Now on the Normandy for her safety, Jane Shepard and (Y/N) Voridus gained a new companion against Saren and other enemy forces within the Milky Way Galaxy. However, a brief moment with legendary Sith Lord/Prodigal Jedi Knight of the Old Republic, Darth Revan, appears before (Y/N) as he informs the Jedi Knight about his true destiny and gives him the mission to search for Darth Revan's Sith Holocron.
Now, with Liara on the Normandy, Jane Shepard prepares the Normandy for a resupply with the Citadel...

~|Normandy CIC Room|~
~{(Y/N) Voridus POV}~

It took a few minutes speaking with Councilor Tevos about the mission she assigned to me, and I was asked to keep it between the two of us until she could announce it, but I accepted the mission. With the doors of the CIC opening, I look ahead and saw Jane waiting for me.

"Oh, Shep, been waiting long?" I asked her.

"It's rather rude to keep a lady waiting, you know?" Jane cracked a joke making me chuckle a bit. "What did Tevos talk to you about?"

"I'm sorry, Shep, but I was told to keep the mission briefing between Councilor Tevos and I. I can't really say. Sorry, again."

"*sigh* That's alright," Jane said to me before looking to the side while muttering for a moment. "As long as she's not trying to steal you away."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh, nothing." Jane replied, but I shook it off and remembered earlier.

"Hey, Shep," I said getting her attention. "Do you have time right now? You know, to talk privately?"

"I was hoping you remembered," Jane replied with a smirk and stood upright from leaning against the wall. "We can talk in my quarters."

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