S2: Two Years Later... {Ashley🍋}

Start from the beginning

"Merrin, you there? 'Soka and I are back!" I called out while taking off my mask.

"In the kitchen!" Hearing Merrin's voice until the sounds of running feet were approaching. Before I could react, I was tackled by two of my children, Deisla, my eldest son, who had my eyes, but had Merrin's hair color, and my daughter, Thajea, who was a carbon copy of Merrin, but she had heterochromia eyes of (E/C) and brown. Like Merrin, both were Zabrak, Dathomirian, having pale skin color but had grey tattoo markings, customary with Zabraks.

"Hey Dad!" Deisla greets me cheerfully.

"PAPA!" Thajea greets me, in the same tone.

"Deisla... Thajea..." I said their names while hugging them tightly. "Oh, my beautiful children... I have missed you both. Have you both been good with your mother?"

"Yes Dad/Papa." Both Deisla and Thajea replied until looking over at their Aunt Ahsoka.

"You both got to see your dad. What about your favorite aunt?" 'Soka asked playfully as the two rushed over, after setting them down, and hugged their aunt. Feeling a nudge on my leg, I looked down and saw Urz nuzzling my leg.

"Missed me, huh, Urz?" I asked while petting his head. "I missed you too, bud."

Looking back up, I saw Merrin walking over towards me before we both gave each other a quick kiss.

"Mission go well?" Merrin asked while the two of us walked into the kitchen leaving 'Soka with Deisla and Thajea. BD joined them with Urz sleeping on the floor near 'Soka.

"It went well as you'd expect," I replied. "Balak won't be a problem for anyone anymore. Kragan and Gharen, however... they're dealing with Aria back at Omega, so..."

"Figured as much," Merrin replied and went back washing the dishes. I, however, walked into Merrin/my room and placed my robes and mask onto an armor stand keeping the robes nice and tidy, so to speak. Taking a moment looking out the window, until I changed into something more casual, one would say.

 Taking a moment looking out the window, until I changed into something more casual, one would say

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(A/N): Undershirt is black. The "N7" on leather jacket is instead a Grey Jedi symbol.

Once fully clothed, I walked back down from the room and spotted two people I was happy to see, but completely unexpected.

"Ash, Kaiden, good to see you both," I greeted my girlfriend and brother as we shared a quick hug, but a kiss from Ash. "As happy I am to see you both, I'm surprised."

"We heard you came back and ran into Rex and Blisk along the way," Kaiden replied while holding Thajea in his arms. "Rex said you all came back recently and figured we'd stop by."

"There's more to it, isn't there?" I asked figuring there was more to it than that.

"Yeah, as happy as we are to see you after coming back from your mission, Kaiden and I have to leave soon for a mission ourselves." Ash replied sadly.

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