Therefore, I propose that rather than becoming a mere member of the Republic, Nathema and the Republic forge a strategic alliance—a partnership built on mutual respect, cooperation, and shared goals. By doing so, we can harness the strengths of both entities to create a future that benefits not only Nathema but the Republic as a whole. Through this alliance, Nathema can contribute its unique resources, technological advancements, and expertise to the Republic. In return, the Republic can provide security, stability, and access to a vast network of worlds. Together, we can create a formidable force against the threats that loom in the galaxy. Moreover, by remaining independent, Nathema can continue to develop and implement policies that are tailored to the specific needs of our planet. We can maintain the delicate balance we have achieved and ensure that the progress we have made is not overshadowed by the demands and intricacies of the Republic at large.

I understand that my proposal may raise questions and concerns, but I assure you that this is not a move rooted in self-interest or a desire for isolation. On the contrary, it is a vision of a future in which Nathema and the Republic can complement and empower one another, working in harmony to overcome challenges and build a galaxy that is prosperous, just, and secure.

Let us seize this opportunity to create an alliance that transcends the boundaries of conventional affiliation. Let us embrace the power of unity and collaboration, recognizing that our collective strength is far greater than the sum of our individual parts. Together, we can forge a path towards a brighter future for the Republic, for Nathema, and for all those who yearn for peace and prosperity."

Cheer and applause now filled the entire room. Each senator was impressed by your speech, especially those who knew that you had absolutely no clue that you needed to hold one.

"A very inspiring speech." Senator Organa complimented, "Did really nobody tell you about this?"

"I didn't know until I asked Master Kenobi." you respond, while maintaining a strong posture and gentle smile.

After a few more hours of discussing further points of an alliance between Nathema and the Republic you were sent out to let the Senate discuss things on their own. In the meantime, the three Jedi led you to the Jedi Temple as Master Kenobi promised on Christophsis. Before you went with the trio your guards were ordered to stay at the ship. Ahsoka sprinted forward while Anakin and Obi-Wan walked by your side.

"How about a friendly sparring?" Anakin suggested on the way.

"Anakin! Our guest hasn't even seen the temple yet." the Jedi Master scolded him.

His gaze held a little remorse for a second.

"I apologize, Master Kenobi," Anakin replied with a sheepish grin. "You're right. We should show our guest around the temple first."

Obi-Wan nodded in approval and turned his attention to you. 

"I'm sorry for Anakin's impatience. We'll make sure you have a chance to explore the Jedi Temple and get a sense of its history before any sparring matches."

You smiled warmly at the Jedi Master. "Thank you, Master Kenobi. I'm truly honoured to be here and to have the opportunity to witness the grandeur of the Jedi Temple."

As the four of you walked through the bustling corridors of the temple, Ahsoka eagerly pointed out various training rooms, meditation chambers, and archives along the way. She shared stories of her own training experiences and adventures with Anakin, making the tour lively and engaging.

The Jedi Temple was a maze of corridors and chambers, filled with Jedi of all ages and species. It hummed with the energy of Force-sensitive beings honing their skills, meditating, or engaged in deep philosophical discussions. The atmosphere was serene and yet vibrant, a testament to the unity and purpose of the Jedi Order.

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