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Charles seethed with anger as he stared at the screen of his phone, his eyes fixed on the email from her. The audacity of this girl knew no bounds. Despite being cut off from the very thing she loved most, she continued to push forward relentlessly. 

It was utterly exhausting. And now, she was on a plane heading straight to his home, invading his sanctuary. As if that wasn't enough, he would now have to play host and entertain her, all in the name of maintaining his royal image. The frustration boiled within him, threatening to consume his composure.

"Did the file containing her information arrive?" Charles inquired coolly as Reginald stepped into his office, the space where he carried out his daily duties as the Prince of England.

"No, we encountered some difficulties. She was ambushed by reporters on her way out of the office. My men reported that she seemed rattled," Reginald replied.

A wicked grin formed on Charles's face, devoid of any genuine emotion.

"Good. Now she knows how it feels to be on the receiving end of relentless questioning. It serves her right. Perhaps this will teach her not to meddle in other people's affairs." Reginald was taken aback by his friend's callous words. He had never known Charles to be so insensitive, but perhaps this girl had a way of bringing out the worst in everyone.

"Please go over my schedule again, Reginald," Charles requested.

"First, I have a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss proposed modifications in the education policies," Reginald began. "Following that, I will have lunch with the Duke of Edinburgh. Then, we'll proceed with a tour of local high schools. In the evening, there's a scheduled tea and an interview with the spokesperson from the Daily Mail. Finally, we will reconvene for supper here, joined by our guest, Kavya, who will have had ample time to rest after her journey."

As Reginald mentioned her name, Charles's gaze lifted, capturing a fleeting hint of interest.

"Why on earth does she need a beauty rest? Did those pesky reporters scare her half to death?" Charles asked, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "So, she gets a free pass while I have to deal with all the royal responsibilities? Talk about unfair treatment!"

Reginald chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Are you turning this into a personal rivalry, Your Highness? She's just a feisty girl who speaks her mind. It's not like she's committed treason, right?"

Charles raised an eyebrow and pressed his palms together, adopting an exaggerated contemplative pose. "Tell me, good sir, when does the princess of controversies grace us with her presence? I must prepare myself for her grand arrival!"

The bustling airport terminal was a cacophony of noise and anticipation. Passengers hurriedly made their way through the crowd, searching for familiar faces or holding up signs to greet their loved ones. Amongst the throng of people, Charles stood out in his inconspicuous attire, his eyes scanning the crowd with an air of expectancy.

As the arrivals began streaming through the gates, Charles couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. He knew he had to keep his composure, but deep down, there was an underlying anxiousness that he couldn't shake off. He watched intently, searching for a glimpse of the person who had unwittingly become the focus of his attention.

She was under the NDA, she is now a target.

That is all he saw her as, a pawn in his elaborate game. Charles couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment, a somber realization of how he perceived Kavya. She was merely a fragile figure, someone he believed he could manipulate to suit his desires. In his mind, she was nothing more than a plaything, a challenge to be conquered.

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