Greed Chapter 7: Cornered

Start from the beginning

Subaru was silent for a moment as he once again recalled the conversation his counterpart had with Felt, knowing the menacing tone he had towards her disguised as someone who wanted to help.

"To make it short, my counterpart convinced Felt to leave the royal selection behind Rein's back."

"...that's pretty scummy." Otto said, seeing that this Natsuki Subaru they will be dealing with is pretty smart to be able to do something like that behind the Sword Saint's back. "Then we should keep our guards up. Who knows what the other Natsuki-san has planned for us."


As the three were closing in on the mansion, the three of them stopped as they saw someone was standing right there, waiting for them.

"Of course, it had to be Roswaal."

Subaru knew that the only person who has a better chance at dealing with the clown himself is his contracted spirit, Beatrice.

He knew this and yet he didn't want her being on her own once again, facing this monster.

"I shall deal with him, I suppose—"

"No you won't." Subaru said immediately. "Not alone."

Subaru turned towards Otto to tell him:

"You go ahead, I'll be counting on you to find the Sword Saint."

"H-Hold on, are you sure I should be the one to speak to him?" The Merchant asked, seeing that perhaps it would be more effective if Subaru would be the one to do the convincing since he had the full story.

Subaru gave a calm expression to him while responding to his question with:

"I trust you, Otto."

The Merchant was surprised by this for a second before nodding with a serious expression, seeing that he's got an important role now.

As Otto heads off in another direction to find a way into the mansion, Subaru and Beatrice look at Roswaal, seeing that he's not moving from his position.

The two looked at each other for a moment, nodding once they understood that they'll have a nearly impossible fight before turning towards the Margrave.

As the two looked at him once again, they began to approach him. Once they were within his presence, the Margrave tilted his head as he was intrigued by what he was seeing.

"My Myyyy. Seeing you two together is quiiiiite a treat."

"Seems like you are the same as usual, I suppose." Beatrice spoke with her usual blank expression. Roswaal immediately caught on to this.

"The same Beatrice aaaaaaas usual. It really does bring back some good memories."

Beatrice and Subaru remained on guard as Roswaal was speaking, knowing that the Margrave had something in mind.

"You know, Ros-chi, I'm curious. Did you know we were coming because of my counterpart or did that book of yours tell you that we were coming?"

"I see. So you knoooow about that. Fascinating."

Roswaal was impressed by the fact that this Natsuki Subaru knows about his gospel, making him aware that something about this Subaru is different.

All the while, Subaru knew that he should've kept that to himself however he wanted Roswaal to know that he knows his secret.

"So, where's my counterpart hiding?"

"Oh, he's around. Just waaaaiting for the right moment."

"..." Subaru remained silent when hearing this.

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