chapter four

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Few weeks later Robyn was on a strong fasting journey. She wanted to get rid of the evil spirit that was trying to consume her. She prayed straight for five hours with her candles lit starting from midnight to when the sun came down. She wasn't having no food just water. Ciara and Bonnie tried hard to sleep but it was impossible with Robyns voice filling the house. This has been going on for weeks and they were beginning to get pissed.

"Robyn not this again I'm trying to sleep. " Bonnie said coming out of her bedroom but Robyn continued with her prayer ignoring her.

"Lord I ask you to deliver me from evil, temptation and sin oh father. I ask of your forgiveness as well for all the sins that I have committed before you and your people. Keep these spirits trying to take over me away from me. Lord I am your child and therefore you promised to always look over me, lead me and guard me. I don't want to think about him no more. I don't want him having anymore power over me father. I am someones bethroned who I should be thinking about. I owe my bethroned my love, attention and affection oh father not him. I don't want to feel anything for him oh lord and I am asking you to cleanse my mind of him. You said we must ask and we shall receive so lord I am asking and I am receiving in jesus name. I know oh lord I'm healed. Amen." Robyn concluded her prayer of five hours.

"Amen," Bonnie said still on her door watching Robyn all this time. She now realised what all this was about now. Roman. Robyn was falling for him slowly. Bonnie saw that a change in her after she found her ring. Robyn was conflicted. She watched Robyn switching off her candles and moving them back to their original place. "Robyn, are you good? " Bonnie asked her. She was worried about her.

"Yes." Robyn replied.

"If you say so but sis you ain't sleeping enough and you ain't eating too. You are going to make yourself sick trying to get rid of this guilt you are feeling. " Bonnie said and she could also see Robyn start to look defensive.

"What are you even talking about I am used to doing this. This is what I was taught as a kid, that if I feel evil spirits around me I should fight it away with prayer." Robyn said getting annoyed with Bonnie. She had no right judging her. She already was stressed enough with everything going on plus she also had school. "It ain't the first time you seen me fast Bonnie. " she added.

"But this is the first time I see you go this extreme." Bonnie countered.

"Bonnie I am telling you that bad shit is around me... ALL OVER ME. EVIL SPIRITS ARE TRYING TO CONSUME ME. DAMMIT HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU. "Robyn yelled getting frustrated. Her mind and body were on her side but it was her heart that was against her. Her heart wasn't being rational. It kept screaming Roman while Jeremy was what her mind know it was the right name to call. She was convinced that the devil was coming for her. It doesn't help that Roman got her number from where she didn't know and was contacting her. Ciara kept showing her pictures of Roman everyday, it was fucking up with her mind looking at that mans face. He was so ridiculously handsome and she didn't know what to expect when it came to that mans mouth. He says a lotta stupid, arrogant shit and cocky shit on the phone calls he makes to her, to her surprise she liked that. Robyn thought he was a cap and hangs up his calls every single time but Roman would call her back after that. A lot until she picks up and that too she likes about him.

Bonnie arched her brow at Robyn talking to her like that. What the hell? She thought. Bitch I was only trynna help. "AIN'T NO SPIRIT TRYING TO CONSUME YOU. YOU CAN'T HELP THE FACT THAT YOUR HEART IS FEELING SOMETHING YOU DON'T WANT TO FEEL. ROMAN IS THE EVIL SPIRIT TRYING TO CONSUME YOU. BITCH PLEASE STOP TRYING TO TRICK JESUS HE HAS BETTER THINGS TO DO. " Bonnie yelled as well fed up with Robyn. She snapped as well because she wasn't going to let another bitch talk to her like that.

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