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11th December 2017

"Oh" Was all that came out of Natalie's mouth, her body stiffened. Her right arm nervously rubbed her elbow. She had no idea how to answer Charles.

This was very unexpected for her, after all of the heartwarming memories they shared, ones that would immediately make you smile when you thought about it.

She stood frozen In front of him, not daring to utter anything else. She did get the courage for a moment and opened her mouth to say something, but it immediately shut.

She couldn't even look at him straight in the eyes. The whole time she made contact with the floor beneath her.

Charles who looked cold, and tough on the outside, was actually shattering on the inside. He though convinced himself, this was the best option. There is no such a thing as an successful made career without risks. And he was willing to do anything to archive the successful career he deserved.

His eyes were no longer the familiar soft ones, the ones that would shine in the darkest room. Now his eyes felt like the darkest room, because there wasn't a single thought behind them, or that was what she assumed.

"You know how much my career means to me and my family, so if it means I have to get rid of my dearest friend then let it be" Charles said with his thick accent, it was scary to Natalie, this was very unlike him. How can a person so kind change drastically overnight.

Charles played with the rings on his muscular hands, he twirled them while he awaited for a reply.

Natalie couldn't help but admire the bulging viens that peeped through his skin leaving her lost for words.

If this really was the last time they cross paths, then at least let her check him out nicely.

He stood with his posture straight. His jaw clenched. His green orbs looked a bit puffy, as if he broke down before coming.

She didn't know what to do. She just simply nodded. She was too stunned to let any words leave her mouth. Tears were already forming in her eyes. How could he do this to her? And right after Jules passed out too...

"Until next time Nat" He said while placing his hand on her cold exposed shoulder and started circling it with his thumb, kind of in a comforting way. But it all ended to soon as he almost immediately turned around to leave.

The spot where his hand rested just now was lingering. She placed her hand on it, her mind blurred trying to process what happened.

She looked up to find the door again. A little part of her hoped he would still be standing there. But of course he was now long gone.

Now after her realizing he's gone and there's nothing that could stop him from leaving, she dropped to the floor, bathing in her own tears.

Her cries echoed through the small apartment, her lungs were pushed together by a strange force making it hard to breathe. Thoughts raced her mind.

Her now weak hands were wrapped around her knees. Her lips starved for his at least one last time.

At least she still had Vivi and Kay, she thought. Like always in every bad situation she searched for the positive, like always she denied the negative. That was also something Charles loved about her and he complimented her for it all the time.

To my biggest star | Charles Leclerc Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora