17. Two Anxious babies

Start from the beginning

"Will Blitzo be there?" Fizz asks.

"I don't know." Ozzie says. "I hope not." He mumbles too soft for Fizz to hear.

"Okay, I guess that could be okay." Fizz says.

"Alright, I'll call him. You pack a bag of things you'll need." Ozzie instructs.

Fizz nods and runs to the nursery to get some coloring books, crayons, toys, and anything else he felt he needed.

Asmodeus exhaled sharply as he presses 'call.'

"Asmodeus?" Stolas answers.

"Stolas, hi. I hate to ask you this, especially after everything that happened but I'm wondering if you might watch Fizzarolli for a few hours while I attend some business."

Stolas hesitates. "Oh...I don't know, Asmodeus. Blitzø is supposed to be here in a few hours."

"Alright. I understand. I'll just think of something else. Thank you for your time." Asmodeus says.

Stolas feels rather guilty, imagining if he was in Asmodeus's shoes right now. Fizz would probably be left with a stranger, there's no telling what kind of babysitter they could get last minute and how they'll even treat Fizzarolli. "Wait-"

Asmodeus is silent.

"If you can't find anyone else... I can watch him, Blitzø will be fine. It is only little Fizzarolli after all." Stolas says.

"Thank you, Stolas. I owe you one."

~~~Stolas and Fizzarolli~~~

Asmodeus opens a portal to Stolas's palace and leads Fizzarolli inside.

Stolas bows to the overlord once he and Fizzarolli walk through. "Asmodeus." He greets.

Asmodeus bows back. "Stolas. Thank you again for doing this."

Fizzarolli hides behind Asmodeus, a little nervous.

Stolas smiles kindly. "Hello, Fizzarolli. How are you today?"

"M'good." He says.

Stolas smiles. "I'm glad to hear it."

"Call me if there's any problems, I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." Asmodeus says to stolas before turning back to Fizzarolli. "Fizz, you be good for me, alright?"

Fizz nods.

"Can I get a hug?" Asmodeus asks.

Fizzarolli nods and hugs Asmodeus tightly. "You promise you'll come back?" He asks.

Asmodeus smiles at him. "I promise."

Stolas smiles at them both, they were quite adorable together.

Asmodeus stands up and turns to Stolas again. "Take good care of him."

"I promise, he's in good hands."

"He'd better be." Asmodeus says, opening up a portal to Ozzie's.

"Bye Ozzie." Fizz says.

"Love you, bug." Asmodeus says to his little before exiting through said portal.

Fizzarolli sighs once Ozzie was gone.

"Well, Fizzarolli. What would you like to do first?" Stolas asks.

"I brought some coloring with me." Fizzarolli says. "We can color."

"What a marvelous idea." Stolas says.

Fizzarolli smiles and runs over to the coffee table and set everything up.

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