For a moment it felt nice, like it was just two friends having a nice day out, but as the palace grew closer, you were forced to confront the truth.

Getting to the palace, you were met with great fanfare. Rows of servants lined the walls, intricate statues, and detailed paintings as far as the eye could see.

You were escorted to a room, just as large and extravagant as the rest of the building. Hogan had to deal with some matters of his own, remorseful leaving you alone. After a few minutes there is a light knock at the door.

Pushing back your nerves, you open it.

A man stands before you, his emerald green eyes gazing down at you. He is silent for a moment, giving you a chance to look him over. He has shoulder length, raven black hair. He stands tall, his posture oozing with pride. His outfit is strange to you, protective padding and detailed accents mesh together as an elaborate piece, if he isn't part of the royal family then he is definitely someone of high standing.

He places a hand to his chest before giving a slight bow, a gesture that you are learning is very common here in Asgard.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance ma'am, I am Loki Odinson, God of Mischief and second heir to the throne of Asgard." He says quietly.

"Second?" You say abruptly, not thinking about your words. He winces slightly, causing you to realise your rudeness. "I'm so sorry! I just ... wasn't made aware Thor had a brother." You try desperately to salvage the interaction.

A closes his eyes, a deep sigh escapes his lips. "I'm sure there is a lot you haven't been made aware of."

"Such as?" You ask playfully.

"Your future king, Thor, will not be able to make your acquaintance this evening." Loki responds.

His words cause a stir in your mind, tangled and confused, an anger quickly builds inside you.

"That asshole has the nerve to drag me out here, dress me up, and then can't even be bothered to meet me himself!" You snap. Loki's serious and regal demeanour fades, replaced by a sly smirk and mischievous glace.

"And you must be his bride, it is truly an honour to meet you." He chuckles, reaching down and placing a light kiss on the back of your hand. "Tell me, do you always look this brilliant, or does insulting my brother bring out the light in your eyes?" You blush at his words, realising what you've said.

"Oh gods, I'm sorry. Maybe calling your brother an asshole to your face wasn't the best introduction. I'm (Y/N)."You squeak out nervously. Another chuckle, deeper this time, reverberates from him.

"One god, specifically. And quite the contrary actually, but it might be wise to refrain from such blasphemous slander to others." With one last kiss on your hand he turns, pausing before walking away. "And let it be known, I look forward to seeing you in the future.

With that he was off, the cold chill of his hands still radiating off your own. You smile, perhaps you might have some fun here after all.


The next morning you awoke, thinking about how despite the uncomfortable differences between your realms, you must admire the incredibly soft bedding these Asgardians seemed to make. Getting up you locate your new wardrobe, a rainbow of expensive outfits to choose. Settling on a soft blue, you ready yourself for breakfast.

After Loki's visit yesterday you were left alone, a servant had brought your dinner to your room but other than that you hadn't met anyone else.

Leaving your new room, a maid is waiting to escort you to the dining room.

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