Atlas was right, Astrid knew if anyone but Harry Potter had fallen, the castle wouldn't have found it nearly as vigorously enticing. But stuff like that never happens to anyone but Potter. Atlas never shied away from sharing his thoughts, though he wasn't as sociable and talkative as Cedric. In fact, Atlas was very timid, almost as much as Astrid when not around the two. He never found interest in finding any other friends- much less acquaintances that weren't Cedric and Astrid. He stayed where he was comfortable; with Cedric or with Astrid. And most times, best of all, with both.

"D'you think he'll be alright?" Astrid asked, her eyelashes still had small beads of water on them. "Harry?"

Cedric nodded, "He always is, isn't he?"

This wasn't unusual for them, Cedric was possibly the biggest gossip in Europe. He dragged Astrid as soon as he spotted her with Atlas and began telling her- In immense detail what had just went down with Wood. And of course, Atlas was just as big of a gossip, he dramatically commentated the whole story. But, she couldn't shake off that comment, did her best friends not like Harry Potter? And if so, why didn't she know? They knew what had happened during Black's attack, and their pursed lips every-time he was mentioned did not go unnoticed.

Astrid had far to many questions, but as they neared the kitchen door she decided against voicing them.

"Well the apple looks more ticklish than the pear, doesn't it?" Atlas remarked, Cedric had unsurprisingly forgotten the kitchen password. "Or maybe the grapes, Salazar, why can't hufflepuffs have their passwords as simple as their lives"

"Atlas," Cedric warned. He was a hufflepuff. "I'm trying to think."

"No one's stopping you," Atlas muttered, his eyebrows furrowed.

Cedric was right, he tickled the pear and the door magically slid open. Inside, was a kitchen that rivaled that of a three star michellin restaurant. Metal stoves and freezers lined one of the walls, and on the other, endless shelfs filled with any and all foods, spices, desserts you could think of. There was a small rug in the corner of the room, one that thankfully Ernie put in once he had the courage to befriend the elves. The house elves were busy cleaning the infinite amount of countertops as dinner was coming to an end. They were small, very annoying of sorts, little elves. Astrid tolerated them but she felt they were too pressing and she didn't like that they didn't talk properly. She couldn't hold a conversation with the Hogwarts house elves like she could her own.

Dotty, Cedrics new found best-friend was more than happy to attend to them. She led them to the carpeted corner with a smile ( Astrid assumed it was a smile ). Taking quick notes about what they would like, before she scurried away into the vast kitchen. Astrid didn't ask for much, just two slices of cheesecake with strawberries on top. She loved strawberries.

Much to her displeasure, early conversation mainly consisted of quidditch and boy things. Sometimes she wished she could relate to them more, they were older than her- Though Atlas only a year and ten months.

"I'm sure!" Cedric exclaimed eating his rice cakes. "All the secret meetings, my da watching old tapes of plays. The world cup is happening again."

Atlas didn't look too convinced. He shook his head, "It was a disaster last time, I don't think they would risk that again." The last world cup had occurred almost eight years ago, with so many people in attendance the stands toppled over. Ireland had won already, but the causalities caused the game to be disqualified and following world cup to be canceled.

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