Your eyes widened. "Sidney, too..?!" He nodded, "but she's okay, she's not hurt" he said. "Billy was at her house after the killer left apparently, so Sidney suspected him as the killer and he went to jail for the night, he's probably out now" your eyes widened more. Billy?! What?! No...

"What was he even doing?" You asked. "He was out on a walk and apparently heard screaming coming from her house, so he went to go check it out" he replied. You just stared at him scaredly but he thought you were confused. "I know, it's confusing" he said with a sigh. "Can Randy come in?" You asked. He shook his head again, "they're not really letting anyone come in besides police and nurses because this whole week has been full of crimes so far.." he said with sorrow. You nodded understandably.

"I'm gonna have to make you skip half of school today and go during lunch period..." he said nervously. You just looked at him with your eyes widened again. "After that..?" Tears stood in your eyes. "I know, kid, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to follow the law" what fucking law, getting innocent kids murdered?! "That's dumb, Dewey, please don't make me go..!" You said. "I know and I'm sorry. Forgive me for this, but it isn't me who's making this choice, it's the school" imagine listening to a trashy ass school.

"Well, I'm not going, I'd rather get detention or even worse, but during all of this and after what happened to me? What the hell makes you think I'm going?" "I'm sorry. If I was the school law maker, I wouldn't even let you go at all, trust me.." he said. You just stared at him like you were about to start crying again. He betrayed your trust for people, what the fuck, man? "Is there anything you would like to eat?" He asked. You shook your head. "I wanna be alone.." you said. He nodded understandably and walked out. .

Tears then came running down your cheeks and you looked down. I'd rather starve, fuck my whole life. "What did I do wrong..?" You questioned yourself. "I didn't do anything...what did I do?"

Why won't he show himself? Why is he being such a pussy? Come on, hurt me some more, asshole, I'm ready. COME OUT I SAID! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HOLDING UP TIME LIKE THIS?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S WASTING IT! I HATE YOU!

With Billy

He was being driven to the school by a cop which he thought was bullshit, even though he knew he would be if he was ever caught with Stu. The cop stopped the car on the side of the road and some people stopped to look at Billy. He hated this attention, he hated Sidney even more for fucking shit up, but he also blamed himself for the phone falling out of his pocket. "Any questions before getting out?" The cop asked him as he looked at Billy in the review mirror who was sitting in the car and looking down while he fiddled with his fingers.

"Is Y/n coming?" He asked still not making eye contact with the cop. "I believe not until later on, towards the end of the day. She's still in big time pain" the cop replied. Billy sighed sadly and he rubbed his eyes as he felt his throat tightening again. "Let me ask you something, son. Why have you been so curious about her? Is she your friend or something?" The cop asked him. Say it, it's not like he'll tell Randy or Sidney. "She's my girlfriend" Billy replied. The cop stared at him for a few seconds before nodding.

"You can go now" the cop said. Billy got out the car and looked down as he walked inside the school. He didn't wanna go find Sidney or anything. Fuck that bitch. What he really wanted was you. He just wanted to take you with him away into a far place that nobody would ever know about.


The best part about life is that you have people who hate you (a lot of people) and people who love you (1 person), and you wanna know something? It's the best fucking feeling ever because those people who hate you will never know what goes on in your life and you will never know what goes on inside of theirs besides the fact that they're lonely home looking bitches who will forever be drug alcoholic wannabes who will vape, smoke, and drink their lives away and get into fights that they wil always start.

The bestest part is that you and that 1 friend of yours will be the ones laughing your asses off at those people who will be dead before you because they chose to be the dumb fucks they've always been and you both will be the ones who know their way around better. Trust, life is like match the cards mixed up, you wanna match the right picture to your life without getting it wrong. That's the best part, you knowing how to play the game.

Billy Loomis x Reader |3rd Version| |1996|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن