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"Hey, Adele I don't think you should go to the rumble tonight, with all your dreams and nosebleeds," Darry calls as I'm putting on a good few rings. "That's not fair!" I yell back, he wasn't gonna keep me home, no sir, even if he did leave me here I was gonna follow him there. "Cmon Darry let her go, she'll be fine," Dally said. I silently thanked him as Darry sighed in defeat. I put grease in my hair and slicked it back into a ponytail. "WOOOOHOOOO!" Steve yells flipping down the hallway. The excitement was catching. I yelled and burst out of my room and did a no-hands cartwheel into the living room. "YAH!" Soda screamed running in behind me. Two-bit grabbed my handed and we jumped down the stairs and took off running. "Let's go kick some ass!" Aspyn screamed, clutching Dally's hand as they ran beside us. Madyson jumped onto Steve's back and he spun her around and kept running. They were both drunk already. "How is it that they're already drunk?" Two-bit asked. "No clue," I giggle and give him a quick kiss on the lips. "But I sure as hell am gonna get ripped!" I shout. "Yah baby!" Two-bit yells back. I jump on his back like Maddie and yell. The smoke tells us that we're near the site. We get there and see a giant bonfire and Tim Shepard's outfit. He eyed both of my fist, which were covered in rings with huge jewels. He nodded and turned toward a group of Socs walking up, most staggering.
"Long time no see Darry," Paul said. "Same to you Paul," he replies strongly. "Enough!" Somebody yells from our gang. I turn and when I look back I'm knocked over by a fist to the face. I jump back up to see the gangs going at it, Two-bit by my side. I swing as hard as I can at a Soc that came running towards me. He fell as another jumped over him and tackled me. I screamed and Two-bit grabs him by the shoulders and throws him off of me. He grabs my hand and snatches me back up. I punch a Soc hard in the nose and he fell too. Soon I was surrounded by unconscious Socs and they seemed to avoid us at all costs. I slugged someone who was kicking Ponyboy, and he only staggered, he turned angrily, and almost swung but a whistle flew threw the air. All of the Socs retreated. "We won! Woooo,"
I jumped onto Two-bit's back and we spin around. I shrieked and clung to him. He dropped me and we ran hand in hand to the house. As soon as Darry opened the door I run inside and throw open the fridge. Two-bit is right behind me so I toss a beer to him, then grab one for me and snatch a bottle opener out of the drawer. "Heads up babe," I yell as I toss it to him. He snatches it out of the air and passes it to me as I sit down on his lap. I pop open my bottle, and clink bottles with Two-bit. "Cheers," I say as I chug half of it. I hold it in my hand and shake my head wildly. "WOOOO," I yell and Two-bit laughs. I take another swig and giggle. I finish the bottle and go to the kitchen for another. "Get me one too babe!" Two-bit yells from the living room. I return holding two cold bottles and pop mine open. Taking a swig of his Two-bit wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer so that I'm leaning against his chest. I laugh and down the rest of my bottle. I'm about to ask Aspyn to get me another one from the kitchen when it comes sailing in through the door. I catch it and Two-bit pops it open. "Thanks babe," I say giving him a kiss, he tastes like beer. I take a big gulp then put it down, it sloshes a little because I misjudge the table, wait how many have I had? "That's enough for you," Darry says, scooping up my beer and dumping it the sink. "Hey I wasn't finished with that!" I yell. "Yes you are, seven beers in less than an hour is too much for such a little body,"he yells back. I cross my arms, but can't help the giggle that squeaks out. "Happy birthday my dear," Two-bit says looking at me. My eyes widen as he reaches into his coat pocket. He leaves whatever was in there be and scoops me up, carrying me to my bedroom, he shuts the door and sets me down. I reach forward and grab him by the collar of his jacket and kiss him drunkenly. He pushes me away and I raise an eyebrow at him. "No ma'am, not while your this drunk," he says shaking his head. "I'm not drunk," I slur, falling over onto the carpet. "Yes you are," he says and sets me in bed, turning out the lights and leaving the room.

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