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I hear muffled voices arguing outside my door when I first wake up, and I ignore them and roll over to see Two-bit still there. "Adele isn't coming to the wedding," Annabelle yells, "but she's family," tried Sodapop. Their arguing became more distant until my room was silent. I kiss Two-bit awake and wait for him to wake up some more. "Hey babydoll," he says when he sees me, "your gettin your cast off today right?" "Yup, do you want to drive me?" "My pleasure," he scooped me up out of bed and set me on my feet. -------------------------------------------------------------------
I ran and hugged Sodapop. "I'm so sorry," I said and he said that it was all okay. -------------------------------------------------------------------
"Two-bit!" I yell running to him. He had been gone for a while and I was starting to get lonely. He swept me up and spun me around. "I missed you so much!" I said burying my face in his leather jacket and twisting my fingers in his hair. He held me at arms length then kissed me for so long that Aspyn yelled "Get a room!" So we did. I pulled him to my room and closed the door then kissed him again, his hands were at my hips playing with the hem of my t-shirt. I pulled his plain black t-shirt over his head and tossed it to the side before kissing him again. Someone knocked on the door and we stopped frozen. "Adele, are you in there?" I shook my head at him and we didn't make a sound until she left. "That was close," I said, then pulled him to my bed and laid to the side so he could stay too. He shrugged under the sheets as I turned and faced the wall. he scooted up closer and set his hand over my waist, and we fell asleep in seconds. I wish it could always be this way, forever.

Life as a girl GreaserWhere stories live. Discover now