(12) Lovely

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It smelled of flowers. Tulips, roses, cherry blossoms-- it smelled happy. About as happy as those who love rain when it rains. It smelled like rain. Peaceful, a light state of mind. It looked beautiful. Stands of golden peices of straw and colorful flowers dancing around in the wind. The sky was clear. Nothing but a light shade of blue helped itself to his own sky blue eyes. The sun was bright, burning comfortably at the blonde's skin.

He was happy. Had he made it? Where was he?

"Sam!" He looked toward the voice. It was Colby, he knew it-- but his face was quite blurred. He ran over to Colby.

"Sam," Colby said. "Yeah?" He asked. "Sam..!"



Sam's eyes shot open.

"..huh? What?" Sam looked up at Colby, who let go a relieved sigh.

"God, Sam, you scared me. Usually You're a light sleeper, but you were hard to wake up this morning," Colby said, resting his cheek on Sam's chest.

"I had.. a dream.." Sam mumbled.

"Yeah? What about?" Colby asked.

"I don't.. I don't know. It was really peaceful though. It was a clear blue sky, bright sun, no clouds, and I was in some kind of colorful wheat farm.. but the feeling.. I can't even describe it," Sam said, closing his eyes.

"Well, now you got me curious. Can you try?" Colby asked. There was a moment of silence before Sam spoke again, choosing his words carefully.

"It felt like.. tranquility. Just, pure and utter happiness and peace of mind. You were in it, too." Sam said. This made Colby smile.

"Was I?" Colby asked, closing his eyes. Sam nodded with a small, "mhm".

"Anyways, you ready to start filming again tomorrow?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Colby also wondered if they were going to tell the fans that all of the Solby rumors were true, but he didn't ask because he didn't want to rush anything.

The next day, they started filming. Another exploration video, starting off small and somewhere close. Still, somewhere they'd never gone.

It was a small house next to a large cedar tree in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.

There were no tour guides-- so it was just like their old exploration videos. No explanation or background, just exploring and finding out the story themselves.

They walked in to this rather large house, and started filming after setting it up.

"What's up guys, It's Sam and Colby," Colby started out.

"And today, we found this abandoned house. There are no guides or anything, so we will just explore and see what happened in this house," Sam continued.

"Yes, and we heard from people that live around here that there was an unknown tragedy here, and it's supposedly demonic so we have to be careful," Colby said.

"Oh yes, and we are doing much better, I saw most of the comments so thank you for all of your kind words, the videos should be mostly normal from here on out," Sam added, making Colby nod.

"And with that, let's get to exploring," Colby put a hand on the camera and turned it off.

"You ready to get back into the swing of things?" Sam asked, and Colby nodded confidently.

They began filming different rooms and pointing out scratch or burn marks, different decaying furniture, the timezone estimate of the house, ect.

"Guys, look, more scratch marks--" SLAM!

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Colby shouted, grabbing Sam's arm and holding the camera down to their shoes. The camera shook along with his hand, and he finally lifted the camera.

"Guys, a door just slammed- or- or- something fell, I don't know what that was," Colby said, his voice shaking.

"It's okay, Colby, let's just explore the livignroom," Sam said in a soft voice, and Colby nodded and they walked around, pointing the camera around the house.

As they went deeper into the house, the found various extravagant things like thousand dollar tea sets and dish sets, overgrown plants, and extraordinary sets of sheets. Although it was strange, back where the house was from, Colby had some background knowledge that this stuff was overly expensive.

"Clearly these people were loaded," Colby commented, opening a closet.

Sam was holding the camera this time, and pointed the camera at Colby as he suddenly stopped. He looked inside this relatively small closet, in complete horror as he forgot to breathe.

"Colby..? Colby, what is it?" Sam asked, sneaking up behind him and pointing the camera over his shoulder. Colby moved out of the way so Sam could see it.

A rotting body, unidentifiable at this point-- it's neck broken and attached to a moldy peice of rope that was attached to a metal pole above them. They seemed to be a kid, not a full grown skeleton-looking thing.

The smell didn't register as their shock kept them there.

Colby snapped out it first, coughing and holding his nose, and finding a hole in the floor to puke in. Sam closed his nose, but kept staring at the body wide-eyed. Realization finally seeped in, and he closed the closet door and stopped filming. He put his hand over his mouth and breathed out a muffled, "Holy shit.."

Colby wiped his mouth and sat on the floor, his arms resting on his knees.

"Oh fuck," Colby said.

"Uh.. fuck. What do we do? I-I don't think we can show that on YouTube.. but I don't wanna lie to the fans like nothing happened.." Sam said.

"We have about a 20 minute video.. we might have to cut it short after about 30 minutes, and explain what happened at the end.. i-i just need a moment.." Sam helped Colby up shakily.

"Yeah.. let's get out of this house for a moment.."

They left and stayed near their parked car. There was no words spoken, but there was a mutual agreement that they would talk about it later.

After calming down most of the way, they went back inside, preparing themselves for absolutely anything.


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