(6) Paying Respects

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The two let most of their family members to clear out before they went down themselves.

Colby took a while to collect himself after seeing his mother lying in that casket, but he was able to because of Sam.

Colby even saw his father crying a little.

After they were done crying their eyes out, the two closed the casket and went to the burial sight where everybody else was, and they watched at the casket was laid into the ground and buried. The two did some more crying.

Colby and Sam stayed longer than the rest of the family. Some of them left to drink, they had a thing to attend, work, or they had children. Luckily for those two, they didn't worry about any of that, even though it was late at night. It was almost 2am, and even though Sam didn't want to stay any longer to think about it, he stayed. For Colby.

Colby was sitting on the ground next to the grave, and Sam stood, hands shoved into his pocket. The two were silent. Sam looked up at the sky, beautiful stars shined above them.

Sam sat down next to Colby, looking at him. He thought of a way to cheer Colby up.

"You know.." He started, and Colby looked at him, "some people believe that when people die, they turn into a star," Sam said, trying to brighten his spirits, because Colby loved stars.

Colby smiled weakly. "Really?" He asked like a curious child.

"Yep," Sam smiled.

"Hey, what about we go somewhere?" Sam suggested, standing up and offering a hand to Colby, which he took and stood.

"Like where?" Colby asked.

"Anywhere you want to go," Sam told him.

Colby thought for a moment.

"Can we.. go to one of those amusement parks that are opened at night?" Colby asked. Sam smiled.

"You mean the ones for dates?" He asked teasingly.

"Well, yeah, but--" Colby tried to defend himself, and Sam just laughed.

"I'm joking, let's go," Sam said, walking to the car. Colby smiled and walked behind him, and waved at the grave that they sat at for so long.

They got in the car and Sam drived to the place they held the amusement park with the help of Google maps, and arrived there in less than 30 minutes. They played loud music on the way there, not only making them feel better, but waking themselves in the process.

They walked up to the people who greeted the --mostly couples-- at this amusement park.
"Hey, can we get in for the two of us?" Sam asked, holding out $20. There was a sign showing the prices for different things, and it was $10 a person to even get in.
The man at the cashier gave them dirty look, but took the money and gave them tickets. In the most monotone voice he's ever heard, the man said,

"Enjoy your stay,"

And as they were walking out, a female and a male bought tickets and he was much happier. This pissed Colby off, even if they weren't a couple.

"Oh, fuck him," Colby said out of earshot of the man, crossing his arms. Sam smiled softly, trying not to think about it.

"So what do you wanna do?" Sam asked. This seemed to lighten Colby's mood a bit, having an idea.

"Let's just get a fuckton of Stuffed animals," Colby said, smiling. Sam giggled and nodded, and so that's what they did. For the next hour, the two beat games and collected stuffed animals-- big ones, small ones, on brand, off brand, it didn't matter.

They didn't want to have another encounter with the people at the front gates, so they snuck out of the amusement park and stuffed the animals in the back of their car, and then snuck back in.

They decided that was enough animals, and started riding rides. Sam let Colby pick the majority of the rides they rode, and he picked rollercoasters and drop down rides, and even a Carousel.

Sam noticed the biggest Ferris Wheel that he'd ever seen after that ride.

Although he wanted to ride it, Colby didn't look one bit interested in the 'boring' ride. And plus, this was a night to make Colby feel better not him.

He looked back at Colby, who was looking at Sam with a knowing look.

"You wanna ride the Ferris Wheel, don't you?" Colby asked, confident.

Sam blushed. Something about his voice caught him off guard.

"Uh.. y-yeah, but we don't have to if you--"

"Fuck yeah I wanna ride the Ferris Wheel! That's the biggest Ferris Wheel I've ever seen! C'mon!" He said, pulling Sam along. Sam caught up and smiled happily.

They waited in a rather short line, getting held up my a couple, but they didn't mind.

Sam checked the time, and it was almost 5. He was surprised on how much time had passed. They'd probably have to leave soon.

It wasn't long before they were let on the ride, and it started spinning not long after they got on.

Sam looked eagerly at the people below him. Colby smiled, watching Sam enjoy the view from a height this large.

Soon, they were almost at the top, but the Ferris Wheel suddenly stopped.

Confused, the boys looked around, and others did as well. Sam spotted the people next to him at the very top, one of them stood up. It was a man, and he got on one knee. Suddenly, it all made sense.

"Colby, look!" Sam whispered, and they watched as the man confessed his undying love for this woman who was crying. She said yes, and everybody -including themselves-- cheered for the newly engaged couple.

"Aww, that was so cute," Sam said, smiling.

"Yeah, I'm glad we were the ones next to them, cause we got a longer view of the sky," Colby said.

"Yeah, true," Sam giggled.

Soon the two were let off, and they decided they should probably turn in for the night.

They checked themselves out, luckily a different crew clocked in and they were much nicer, and they made it to their car; Colby driving this time.

"I almost forgot about all the stuffed animals we got!" Sam laughed, and Colby joined him.

"Hey, thank you for this," Colby said, smiling.

"No problem, dude," Sam smiled.

They went back home, blasting music again so neither of them fell asleep. Once they made it, they got out of the car and took the stuffed animals to various places in their house-- their bedrooms, the guest bedroom, the couches, and even left some in their cars.

They took the especially small ones and put them in a basket for maybe another video idea-- something extra for the Fans.

After that, they turned in for the night.

Colby was too scared to sleep by himself--although he wouldn't admit it-- and he slept with Sam that night.


No Place Like Home | Solby ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن