(10) Don't or Do?

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"Colby.. hey.." Sam said softly.

He had checked the time and it was much too late to be sleeping.

"Mm..?" Colby grumbled, opening his eyes to his beautiful soon-to-be-boyfriend.

"It's like 3, we should probably get up," Sam said, already dressed and whatnot.

"Mm.. noo.." Colby closed his eyes once again, and Sam huffed. There was a moment of peace for Colby, and he almost drifted back to sleep before he was yanked harshly out of the bed.

"AHH" Colby fell onto the floor somehow gently, before he realized Sam had caught him and set him down like that.

"Colby, please get up," Sam asked politely, and it was Colby's turn to huff.

Colby stood up nonetheless, and fixed his hair.

"Thank you," Sam said in a soft voice, making whatever negative feelings that Colby had felt suddenly disappear.

Colby smiled and hugged Sam tightly.

"G'mornin'" Colby mumbled, his voice not warmed up to talking yet.

Sam smiled and hugged back.

"C'mon, get dressed, I'll buy us some breakfast. Your family.. uhm, wanted to read the will with the rest of the family." Colby could tell he Sam didn't want to remind Colby of what he lost from the lack of eye contact and the sad look on his face. Colby smiled guiltily and hugged Sam once again.

"Alright, I'll be down there in a few. How about you get the car warmed up, I heard it's supposed to be cold today," He said, and Sam nodded, a little more at ease.

Sam had a raging headache from last night, but he didn't bother to take any pills for it. He was worrying about the will, he didn't want Colby to cry anymore.

Sam left the room and sighed, going downstairs and slipping on some shoes, grabbing the keys and going outside and into his car. He did as Colby told-- and it was a little cold.

He checked the forecast. His phone read '30° today' and looked at the expectancy for the rest of the day, and the week. According to the weather app, it was only going to get colder, and possibly snow on Wednesday.

Sam smiled. He actually loved snow, even if Colby didn't.

Soon, the car door opened and in came Colby, making Sam look up.

"Ready?" Sam asked as Colby had closed his door and buckled his seat belt.

"Yeah," He answered. Sam pulled out of the driveway, and onto the main road. They drove in comfortable silence, and Colby's heart was pumping with nervousness.

He'd contacted his uncle, and apparently half of the family was going to be there.

This wouldn't usually be a problem, but the boy's family was rather.. interesting. No, not interesting, borderline abusive. This was probably the only thing he'd never told Sam, and he figured now was the only chance to warn him.

"Hey.." Colby said, looking at Sam, but his eyes were focused on the road.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Uh.. I never told you this before, but most of my family has some.. really specific opinions, and are pretty.. abusive. Please, if they say anything to you, either ignore them or walk away. It's not worth getting into it with them, they're all extremely stupid. Please," Colby said. He let out a big breath he was holding while talking.

"Yeah.. I understand. I'll try my best," Sam said.

"Thank you so much," Colby said, knowing it wasn't going to he a definite answer because of his temper. He was fine with that.

Not long, they had made it to the funeral home once again, and they went into a different room. It looked more something of a courtroom.

There were already some people, and Sam heard them talking, but decided to block them out so he wouldn't get worked up too early.

They sat in an empty row, and it was a while before others showed up. Some people didn't even show up for the funeral, which infuriated Sam a little.

Sam grabbed onto Colby's hand and focused on him for a bit.

They were talking and trying to lighten their spirits.

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud screech from the mic.

"Ow!"'s and "fuck!"'s spewed from the crowd, and the man on the stand apologized. He introduced himself, explained the situation, and thanked everyone for being here.

There were no responses among the crowd, and the man moved on.

He explained the types of wills a person could have, and his mother chose close to a letter type. (I'm not sure if this is true, just go with it).

"I hereby announce the things I will want for my family to have. I have two sons, both are my pride and joy, and a loving husband, a great brother and sister, and a kind family friend, Sam Golbach," Sam damn near almost teared up, "My husband, I'm giving you the house, and all of the furniture, and anything else that is not taken. All of our memories together will be stored inside. To my brother, I want him to have every small trinket in the house. Spoons, clocks-- anything he would like. I know he used to love small things like that, and those have a peice of time we were together. To my sister, she may have my plants, and my animals, I know she always loved my cats and dog, and with that I gift to her my plants that will forever have my soul. To my loving first born, Gage, he will have half my savings, 25,000 dollars cash, and my China cabinet and all of the dishes inside. With this will always resemble the times I used to explain where all of those teacups came from and how they were made. A sentimental peice that I cherished so much. To my beloved youngest, Colby, I gift to you our family paintings, and that glass table you always loved and used to play under when we were playing bored games; and with the other half of my savings, also another 25,000 dollars. And last, but finally not least, Sam. You can have my guitar that you always loved so much, and all of my jewelry. All of my rings, earrings, Gages-- they're all yours. Please, Sam, take care of Colby, would you? I love you all so much. Amen."

Sam was in tears. He wasn't expecting anything, let alone that guitar and the jewelry he always admired.

Colby was crying as well. He got to have the paintings which meant to much to him.

Sam calmed himself and focused on the noise around him-- which was probably not a good idea.

"Why didn't I get anything?" One asked.

"Ew, she gave her jewelry to a boy?"

"She's so selfish, leaving her other family out of the will."

"Is Sam gay or something? That's revolting. How is she gonna put him in the will and not me?"

"This is bullshit, I've done everything for her and I'm not even in the will,"

Sam didn't want to hear it anymore. He started to get up, and Colby saw the look on his face and grabbed his hand.



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