Chapter 1

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JakeRott: Europe! 

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JakeRott: Europe! 

You have my heart always, good to check in with you sexy people and spend time in my home away from home

4,000,000 likes ~ 12,000 comments


Nix: And that concludes our euro trip 

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Nix: And that concludes our euro trip 

5,000,000 likes ~ 17,000 comments


Being the biggest rockstar in the world definitely has its perks until you do stupid shit that lands you in the slammer for months at a time. I could get away without a prison sentence at the beginning of my career but once I started destroying properties and setting cars on fire, I was forced to partake in a psych evaluation. 

Nix and I spent six days in prison after destroying a hotel room during a drug induced sex stint that lasted maybe four days. I didn't realise how badly we had trashed the place until the images of the room were shown during my court case and the blood stained, bashed in walls were ones to shudder at.

My sentencing saw me pay $2.2 million to the state along with being court ordered to attend rehab for a minimum of four weeks. I was pretty pissed that I had to take time out of my life to go rehab but I think that it did me some good as I got to unpack my entire life during my intense therapy sessions.

Following my release from the rehabilitation center, I decided to take a hiatus and embark on a three month Euro trip with Nix.

I needed to get away from all the crazy shit going on in my life because it was doing nothing but harming me. Getting to spend time with my girlfriend without the prying eyes and listening ears was really nice as we got to share some intimate moments without it all being captured for the world to see.

We separately invested in some properties which had us wanting to leave our careers for the property world. Sitting down with designers to plan out renovations for the properties was weird but equally fun as I got to step outside of my comfort zone and experiment with different styles.

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