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Sorry if it feels rushed.. the plot it too thick for a oneshot..


12 days..

It had been 12 days since the Luna of the Dark Blood pack had gone missing..

12 days of pure chaos..

Taehyung thought power was all he craved.. He thought he didn't care about anything other than power.. He thought his heart only desired power..

Oh how wrong he was..

Even without his knowing, one little omega had found his way into Taehyung's heart and had even made a place for himself..

And then, suddenly he had disappeared.. Leaving a big hole in Taehyung's heart..

How did that even happen? Taehyung still wondered.

Just a few days ago, he was thinking about how to rule the world. All he had in his mind was about building the strongest pack to ever exit.

But that pack was the weakest at that moment. There was only a hand full of soldiers in the pack. Rest were out searching for their lost Luna.

And the pack alpha was nothing but a mess.

The oh-so-great Kim Taehyung was sitting on this throne looking pathetic and weak.

His royal rob was untied. And it had all the dirt on it as he was wearing that particular robe for more than a week. His hair was loosely tied, with half of the hair covering his face. And he reeked of alcohol.

"You know, taehyung.. they say you'll realise someone's worth when you lose them. Guess it was true after all."

Taehyung looked at the omega who had been tormenting him for the past 12 days. The moon omega had not left the Dark Blood pack even when he could. He was not a hostage he was a visitor at that point.

"Ew, you look ugly." Jimin gave a disgusted look to the alpha.

He wasn't kidding. Taehyung was ugly. His eyes had heavy bags under them, cheekbones were too prominent as he had not eaten proper food in days. His lips were dry and pale. Kim Taehyung looked like a ghost.

"Who would have thought the all-mighty alpha of the Dark Blood pack would end like this one day?" Jimin said walking around the throne of Taehyung. The alpha didn't bother to say anything. He silently took another sip of alcohol.

"Pathetic.." Jimin shook his head.

Taehyung stood from his throne and took another sip from the alcohol bottle. Then he stumbled his way towards his bedroom.

Taehyung's body was swaying. He had no control over his body anymore. Werewolf alcohol contained a bit of wolfsbane as regular alcohol didn't have any impact on them. Wolfsbane means poison. And taehyung had too much alcohol in his system which made him too weak.

However, the alpha managed to get inside his bedroom without falling. He placed the alcohol bottle on the table and lay on the bed.


The alpha whispered with tears pouring from his eyes. He grabbed one of the hanfus which was on the bed and sniffed it. The floral piece of cloth belonged to his omega, but it didn't smell like his mate anymore. His room didn't smell like Jungkook anymore.

"Come back to me please.."

Taehyung stuffed his face in the hanfu and cried silently. He hugged the lifeless piece of silk desperately. But it didn't give the same warmth as his mate did.

He missed him.. Taehyung missed his omega to the point that he was going crazy.

Taehyung didn't want Jungkook. He needed him. Power was a want but jungkook was a need. Too bad he took too much time to realise that.

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