4. END

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Might feel rushed.. sorry for that.. I can legit write 30 pages of this one. But this is the last chapter.


It was the spring of 2013..

The handsome alpha who was sitting under a cherry blossom tree was grabbing everyone's attention.

The alpha looked like he was craved by the hands of angles. His face, his body, his scent everything was just so attractive.

But no one dared to go near him. As much as the alpha looked peaceful, he radiated the 'untouchable' energy.

'Pretty.. baby..'

Taehyung whispered in his head..

He was daydreaming about his mate with his eyes closed.

It was the spring.. Everywhere was covered with flowers which made Taehyung miss him more. Spring reminded him of Jungkook a lot. His baby angel loved flowers.

With his eyes closed, he could imagine his sweetheart making flower crowns and garlands with a soft smile on his gorgeous face. Jungkook's eyes shinned the brightest when he play with flowers.

It had been 1000 years..

The mood goddess had been looking at the immortal alpha for all those years.

One might think Taehyung's punishment was too much.. One might wonder.. did the alpha deserve to suffer for 1000 years? It was one mistake.. one stupid thought.. Did he really deserve it??

He did. Moon goddess believed. He deserved that punishment. It wasn't just because he hurt Jungkook. No, it was more than that. The alpha dared to think about raping an omega. He deserved to suffer for 1000 years. Rape wasn't something to take lightly. All though it never happened thanks to his mate and the moon omega, the alpha thought about it. It was a sin.

And he had to pay for that sin.

Taehyung did exactly that.

The alpha who planned to mark an omega forcefully, started campaigns to save raped and abused werewolves. He built facilities to help the victims. 

Starting from schools to orphanages, from hospitals to elder homes there was nothing that Taehyung didn't build for the welfare of the werewolves.

Slowly, little by little he gained the moon goddess forgiveness. But it was not enough. She needed to make sure his precious one won't be hurt by the alpha again. That's why she sent numerous omegas to seduce the Alpha. She wanted to check whether he'd be faithful towards his mate.

And surprisingly he did. He spent 1000s of ruts alone in a dark room, proving that he indeed deserved the pure omega.

There was one more thing..

Pure omegas have big hearts.. But there's not a single space in their hearts for hatred, revenge or anything remotely close to that. They just knew love and only love..

So the moon goddess knew that no matter how much Taehyung had hurt him in the past life, the stupid little omega would fall in love with his alpha all over again.

That's how moon omegas were.. That's how Jungkook was..

So the moon goddess went ahead and took revenge for Jungkook. She wasn't pure like her finest creation..

However, she was still sceptical..

That's why she sent another moon omega to check whether Taehyung would choose the Moon omega and mate him to break his curse. But he was dead set on waiting for his mate. Let's say the moon goddess was a little impressed.

✅ Cursed Alpha [ Taekook Oneshot ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora